I might be a bit too hyped after this Indy 500

I really do love it

8 cautions, nearly 3h20min of racing... and Helio won
so what I really wanted to explain: We're going to see the Kyoto 500 ruleset being enforced here, with the difference, that we're gonna see a double file start instead of a triple file. Additionally we do have a time limit, as you might have seen in the opening post, of 2h 30min, beginning right after the first start attempt. Well actually I have to say that this time limit was false. I failed to calculate in my brain, as in the original file it said 180minutes. So the time limit is 3 hours, wich fits better. If we do have a clean green race all the way through, I calculated a time of 2h 11min, so we'd have 19 minutes for full-course yellows. I'm sorry about that mistake and I hope It does not bring to much problems with it. (does it?

About the Kyoto 500 ruleset: As I said we'll use it as oval regulations, with the also stated exeptions. Also the new restart rule will be used. If you've seen Indy Cars today or before, you might now it. At the "Green next time by" mark (when the RESTART - SAFETY CAR IN THIS LAP appears) the Safety Car will pull to the right side of the course, and leave track. The leader has to maintain the Safety Car speed untill the apex of Turn 3. The apex is marked by some cones on the left side of the track. Between this point and the Green Flag, the leader may decide to accelerate at any point he likes, but he's not allowed to slow the field down again. (I recommand to floor it quiet early)
Another thing about the Safety Car period: Pit Lane entrance: If the Safety Car is out, the Pitlane entrance is right AFTER Turn 3. When track is green, you must enter pitlane via the road beginning right BEFORE Turn 3.
"Y after G (before)"
About last race's protests: I'm sorry, but I'll be able to do them around Midweek, as I have some stuff going round here in my private life. But I am quiet optimistic to finish Round 2 broadcast and release Round 3 broadcast within the rest of the week.

I'm quiet sorry for those fails, but real life's hammering me into the ground