Round 4: Drivers' Meeting
Hello drivers and teams,

Here's the requisite info for tomorrow's 4-hour race at Westhill International Reversed:

1. Weather. According to various forecasting agencies, the wind across western England tomorrow will be in the 5-6mph range. As such, there will be NO WIND. As stated in the season calendar, the race will be run under clear day conditions.

2. Layout. A minimal layout will be used, with changes to the pit lane for pit exit closures, as well as entry and exit poles and the usual green pole re/start zone.

3. Minimum SC laps. The minimum number of SC laps per SC period for this race will be two.

4. Starts and restarts. As usual, look for the green poles indicating the restart zone. The leader should NOT floor the gas when the SC pulls away, but should rather gently accelerate.

5. Race finish. Once the race has finished (once you have the "FINISHED" text at the top of the screen, stop in the first sector. Do NOT cross the first sector line--this will keep the tracker in proper order.

6. New teams. There will be several new teams in this race. These teams are strongly encouraged to review the rules as posted and amended in the rules thread in this forum (the rules on the website may not yet be updated to reflect the latest changes). Existing teams should also pay attention to the new rule changes.

Thanks, and good luck!
Good luck to you too, and everyone else participating.

Looks to be a good race

Quote :
In West-England you find the 5.2 km long Westhill circuit. The track, situated in a farming area, provides fast and wide turns, spiced up with two interesting chicanes and the widest, most beautiful finish-straight in S2 with a blind first corner.

#5 - CSF
Go go Aldi boy.
Yeah, that was a mistake last season. I was basically just using Google Maps to search for a "Westhill" in the UK and it came up with a little hamlet in Aberdeenshire. Trying to be more accurate this year.
This going to be great race
#8 - Megin
About layout: driver can get some penalty when I cross pit entry line or I hit the stick marks start line in the pit entry? When I race yesterday it happens me sometimes. I mean when i will be at the race, not heading to the pits.
Drivers should be aware of cars that may be pitting in, and will be responsible if they rear-end a car slowing for the pits, but there is no restriction against driving over the pit entry area.

Furthermore, as stated in the rules, it is not a violation of the rules to cross the pit entry line--only crossing the pit exit line is punishable.
Hi all,

Grats to the podium

Anyone have the full replay of the race?

Franke... Click
Quote from Franke :

Anyone have the full replay of the race?


And gratz to the podium