Well -
Shootout - meh. Had my crap set on, but was still less than 1s behind Jonathan.
Qual -
Somehow managed to get 10th on my Aston set, but my god the grid was close - about 0.5s between 3rd and 23rd
Race 1
Fak. Got a great start from 10th, got to about 6th by T1, then got clipped from behind into Phil, ended up the wrong way in the middle of the track with 20 cars coming towards me. Ended up doing a sneaky J-Turn and got going again in about 19th. Ended up pushing like hell, not really getting anywhere, just kept going whilst everyone crashed. On about lap 9 I was about to go 4 wide past the kink on the main straight and said "This is gonna end in tears". It did. I had one of the Karma guys on my inside, jack w on my outside and Chris on his outside. Jack and the Karma dude kinda went in a V infront of me, I hit the brakes but it was too late
Big crash for jack, wreck number 1

Finished like 15th or smthin.
Race 2
Fak, v2. Again. a good start, got a couple of places into T1, managed to get thro T2 cleanly [woot!], but then was caught 3-wide outta T3 with a core dude and Rik, rik got span around infront of me, I slammed the brakes and lost 6 positions
Again, ended up having to catch the field and just cane it when everyone else crashed. Ended up behind Mr Ward again [bet he was pleased with that!], bumped (or as I said on msn, "bummed") him into T1, got up the inside but was scared I was going to hit Goncalves, so tapped the brakes just before turn in [with jack on my outside], but they locked and sent me straight into him
Jack wreck #2

Race 3 -

Again, a good clean start into T1, ended up in about 13th. Just caned it for the entire race, DWB went off infront of me with a few others, Rik's internet failed, so I ended up behind Nolan. For a few laps, I was [amazingly] actually catching him - managed to get in the zone and broke my pb twice, but then he caught up with one of his core buddies and they bumped [no, not bummed this time

] their way ahead of me. But at least I was miles ahead of David by this point, so could could cruise home to 10th and 1 point
My set was really nice to me, I could absolutely cane it, my tyres would be rather hot by the last corner, but they would cool again for T1, which was nice
Altho, I did seem to spend my entire evening behind either a Karma car or being pwnted by a Core car - meh :P
Sorry to most of te field for hitting them at some point, and to jack for wrecking him, twice.
See ya at Aston