Poll : Do you want to join this competition? (easier for to have a poll)

Closed since :
S2 user(s) : Yes
Maybe (please give a comment in the thread if you then join)
Demo user(s) : Yes
Quote from logitekg25 :i have to admit, that is nice...in the beginning i wasnt too pleased with your skins.

in my opinion you should have less bright colors, and bring on the dark. also instead of big patches of one color, you should have a couple of colors making a design but its not my opinion that matters.

yea the colors are bright but when racing the skin differs from the other ones.

Quote from The Very End :Nice! I really like what you are doing to those skins!
Just one question, will you be able to finish the other skins withing june the 12?

mm ill give my best to finish all of them
Quote from The Very End :Fine for me, and kind if you if you do it, thanks.

What's your desktop resolution OR in which size do you want them?
Mine is currently 16xx/10xx
Quote from Shadowww : IKke5165, if you and TVE agree, I can render some of your skins in TVE's desktop resolution

PM me your mail adress

And may I ask the 41 other S2 people that signed up, why you entered the competition? It's not the end of the world, but I had hoped for a somewhat informative poll, not just one where everyone joined because their IQ seems to be = 5 :/ (a little joke yes, but anoys me)
Thumbs up for that!
That LX one is neat, well done
Quote from logitekg25 :i would say it is a tie between you and ikke

can someone send a blank paintdocument of the cars...my flash-drived version of lfs is missing them =(

Boscho is s2
Quote from IKke5165 :EDIT: it was the good skin but it looks very different in LFSviewer
looks like this with me

LFSViewer has different reflections and lightning, that's why it looks more matte on render.
My first attempt. Still missing sponsors and some final touches. But the general design is there.
Attached images
Do I see carbon? Hehe, neverthless, I like it as a ground theme
Some adds and maybe a little more work on the color theme and it will be a good competetor in the competition.
Quote from Shadowww :LFSViewer has different reflections and lightning, that's why it looks more matte on render.

The headlights have red in them (should be black) and there is black before the front wheel while it should be grey.
Quote from The Very End :Do I see carbon? Hehe, neverthless, I like it as a ground theme
Some adds and maybe a little more work on the color theme and it will be a good competetor in the competition.

Did I miss something here? You don't want carbon? Mind you I haven't read ALL the way through the thread, but only skimmed the entries.
I am not fan of carboon sorry
But again, if the skin itself is good it's np, your skin allready looks good at it's current state.
Quote from IKke5165 :Boscho is s2

i was saying overall, prize aside. and the other person who just sent in their first skin...i like it, but it is a little bland (i like carbon fiber :tilt

just atleast a document for the XR GT blank for paint...i want to compete but if i cant get a document for everything then i might atleast get it for myself
Oh FxCK.

More or less ten days and I'm still blank on the others. Wish me luck.
This time without carbon fiber. Carbon fiber parts are made a darker solid color now.
Attached images
Quote from only.one.RydeR :Oh FxCK.

More or less ten days and I'm still blank on the others. Wish me luck.

Good luck

Quote from daloonie :This time without carbon fiber. Carbon fiber parts are made a darker solid color now.

Niice! That looks awesome mate, really! Well done so far, looking forward to see the finished product, aswell how it looks on the other cars. Keep up the good work!
Another render of not mine skin.
Attached images