The online racing simulator
LFS 3D Sound Ambiencer
(23 posts, started )
LFS 3D Sound Ambiencer
LFS 3D Sound Ambiencer v0.5 for South City

:checkered DOWNLOAD (21.6MB)

Sound Preview
Movie Preview by fireb0llch (Youtube HD)

A crowd, cheer, the airplane flying high in the sky there. You will hear many natural sounds from the South City. All sounds are played by 3D sound effects. Of course Doppler effect is simulated based on speed of a car.A cheer is necessary for your drive! Have fun.

How to use:

1. Extract ZIP file (L3DSA.exe,VBDS3D.DLL,readme.txt) to in your favorite directory.
2. Open up LFS cfg.txt and scroll down to the bottom.
3. Open up readme.txt. Copy over the OutSim lines from your readme.Close both files.

OutSim Mode 2
OutSim Delay 1
OutSim IP
OutSim Port 39999
OutSim ID 0

4. Start L3DSA then start LFS.
5. Choose the South City track.


You must set your speaker system in Control Panel of the Windows properly.
The 'headphones' is delicately different from '2-Speaker system'.
In the case of 2-Speaker system, please set the position of the speaker.

System requirements:

- DirectX compatible sound card.
- More than 4-Speaker system.
- About +100MB memory for sound buffer.

Even 2-Speaker can get a similar effect by virtual surround.
note) Windows Vista doesn't support Directsound 3D.

This tool is unfinished:

- Only South City track.
- Only 'In-car view' and 'custom view'.
- Button look enable only 'E' & 'W' keys for 3D sound effect.

If you use wheel button for 'Button look', Plz assign it to 'E' & 'W' keys with a tool such as Logitech profiler.


OutSim sample VB6 Source code by Stuff. (thx again!)
The copyright of VBDS3D.DLL is in Mr. Toru Kawada.
Attached files - 1.1 MB - 760 views
preview.mp3 - 1.5 MB - 2566 views
Thanks for the present ma!
Going to test it right now!
Awesome as allways!!
That's great!
Very nice, as always
(moskvich3v1) DELETED by moskvich3v1
#6 - joen
That's really great work, very nice
Hope other tracks will follow
no vista
This sounds very interesting I must say

Anyone care to make a video with the aplication in use?

no music, just inside/custom cam and sounds from the game + aplication
thank you
Damn! Great Work!

Can't wait for the next release!
The only problem I noticed is that the doppler on the crossing bells is backwards, it should pitch down when passed, not up.

Other than that, its an interesting concept, and if you continue to add things it could become a very good addition to LFS.
hmm strange.
I don't have that problem.

After a while the sound stopped panning when I look L/R though.
It just stays as if I was looking straight forward.
Wasn't like that directly after install.

No biggy ...
#16 - Bub
Hey, i done all what said in readme, but i get this error:

Btw, I`m using Windows XP SP3, IF that helps
Note to myself: beg yamakawa to make a Blackwood version.

Quote from DragonCommando :The only problem I noticed is that the doppler on the crossing bells is backwards, it should pitch down when passed, not up.

Other than that, its an interesting concept, and if you continue to add things it could become a very good addition to LFS.

I dont understand the cause for a moment. The doppler pitch has reversed in fireb0llch's preview vid.
Is it an influence of the sound card...??

Quote from Bub :Hey, i done all what said in readme, but i get this error:

Btw, I`m using Windows XP SP3, IF that helps

I tested with win2k sp4 and XP sp2,sp3. but there was no problem.
Plz try this for the time being.

Visual Basic 6 OLEAUT32.DLL Security Update ... 7735B7&displaylang=en


Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0 ... 9c-43e7-9117-f673077ffb3c

Quote from Danny LFS :Note to myself: beg yamakawa to make a Blackwood version.


Sorry,There is no plan of a version up. and, I lost sauce of this program.

However, it wasnt too a complex program.
If its Scawen, the basic one can be made in 2 hours.
This program is a proposal application with CSR.
Let's wait to be mounted on LFS or request it from other able LFS programmers. zzz...

Sorry for my bad english

#19 - Bub
yamakawa, those things dosen`t help, It crashes.. just click on .exe adn bam.. error... well then that prog is not for me ;/
Great work!

I'm want use it in blackwood, but i must wait to newer versions
What an excellent addon , that´s one of the things that makes a game more real or inmersive, congratulations and keep on!
come on maan
i cant wait for blackwood come on :/ i have digital 5.1 speakers and audigy 2 zs platinium with dolb digital live pack its damn good any date for release ?
Quote from A.Forelli :i cant wait for blackwood come on :/ i have digital 5.1 speakers and audigy 2 zs platinium with dolb digital live pack its damn good any date for release ?

Checked the date on the last post? I tink you would get bether answere if you sendt an pm to yamakawa, but uf you check his profile you will se that he was Last Activity: 10th November 2009 12:38 so i dont think it will be released :/

but try sending him an pm or mail....

LFS 3D Sound Ambiencer
(23 posts, started )