After trying some BF1 servers I am more conviced than ever that we need the credits system back from S1!
50% of the people racing the BF1 don't know how to brake, accelerate, pass, obey flags or start. I am not saying that I am that great driver myself, but starting from the middle of the pack means 100% certainty that someone will ram you, whatever you do.
Just 5 steps to happiness:
Base level: demo cars + UF1 available.
1st stage: 200 credits required / gives FXO, RB4, LX4
2nd stage: 400 credits required / gives LX6, MRT, RAC, FZ50
3rd stage: 600 credits required / gives UF GTR, XF GTR
4th stage: 800 credits required / gives FOX and big GTRs
5th stage: 1000 credits required / gives F08 and BF1
And points should be given by distance driven rather than finishing order. Of course some of the points should be give on the basis of finishing order, as finishing in top three usually means that the driver can handle the car. So newbies get points as well, and are rewarded by finishing race on end of the grid
Maybe 2 points per lap and 1-10 points for 1-10 finishers...?
As LFS is a racing sim, we shouldn't need these kind of arcade features, but imho it seems that it is a choise between BF1 and good races.