It was kinda better how it was before because you could see what leagues where run by which organisations... Now you can't.. and half the leagues have dissapeared
I thought of merging all events of an organisation into one page, so the links refer to it. if you click on the Open Wheel Challenge, you land on the IMA page. If you don't like it, revert it.
I'd much rather have it how it was before with all leagues underneath their owners, then with details next to them if you must. Oh, and Head-to-Head is a 'league', not a '1-on-1'.
So Passo & Joe, since you two have the time to bigger about the leagues being below their owners you'll have time to fin(n)ish the translation of the game modes page eh? I got half way through-
Mikä olisi hyvä käännös sanalle "single-seater"? Käänsin sen "Yksipaikkainen".. Entä "open wheeler", tuskin "avopyöräinen"? Käänsin "race car":in "rata-auto", koska "kilpa-auto" kuulostaa minusta typerältä..