The online racing simulator
Server option around the spectate/pit function
Suggested in a other thread, but felt I had to make a own topic for this suggestion, either way :

Normally when there is a big crash on a server, everyone goes full trottle and hopes for the best, and if it fails everyone just pushes the spec button fast. Now this of course works, but in my opinion it's 1 - not realistic, 2 - somewhat anoying.

My suggestion is as following, as a server option of course :

Before you can "warp" into spectate or pit, you car have to stand stil / not moving for 10 seconds. That means, if you want to pit, you have to stand still for 10 seconds, or the pit/spec button and option does nothing. Maybe when pushing the menu/esc you would see a count down timer, going from 10 - > 0 when you standing still. If you get moved on the timer will be reset. This would be great in my eyes, and maybe people would be more aware if there were a crash in front. If not, well, then it will just look hell of a lot cooler when there is a crash and everyone involved have to stand still in 10 seconds before beeing able to pit or spectate.

Now there is a issue about this, if people abuse this by hiting people over and over again if they were trying to pit or specate, but again - this would be a server option. There will allways be these people that somewhat exploits the system, but please do not kill this suggestoion just because of that.

Now, what do you think?
I've raced in sims where you have to be stopped before you get off track. Even without waiting for a period of time, it works great.

I also don't like when people get off track as soon as possible. It's just not right... I think 10 seconds is far too long to wait to get off track. I would suggest around 2 or 3 if any, but you do have a nice suggestion.

Not only is it better for spins and crashes, it would help when people just want to leave the server. Several times I'll be running near someone and they'll suddenly disappear. Most times it's from lag, but sometimes they just wanted to leave. I would panic a bit less if they pulled off the track to stop before they vanished.
#3 - J@tko
Not good for public oval servers

EDIT: Oh, server option
Ok, let's say 5 seconds then
And yes, of course it's server option, it's not something that should be forced on anyone, but the ones that wanted it. It could add extra realism to lague servers and such.
+1 for this !
why not have the delay time adjustable by the server admin as well as swithcing the system on or off