This topic was a joke but also has a serious undertone. The development speed of LFS lately coupled with the disappointment obviously felt by many in the community with the continued delays to the Scirocco has left many "old Skool" LFS'ers finding it difficult to be motivated. This is one of the reasons we have a large team, to make up for members going inactive, which is happening more and more lately.
Core & spdo have been expanding aswell lately, and it does seem to be coming true my prediction that either teams would get bigger or fold, due in no small part to LFS development speed and keeping activity and interest alive in LFS.
I think that alot of the posts poking fun at the the team size is quite pathetic TBH and shows either a complete lack of understanding or total jealousy.. If we had 50 people all wanting to do 1 event at the same time then that could be an issue, but only around half of the team are active at one time, a smaller amount want to do certain events, less can actually make the event and practice, which leaves us with around 5-6 who actually can make a race, show good pace and want to do it. This is a perfect number IMO, and creates a healthy level of competition for places and also enough to not make practice a boring and lonely activity. This also should help relieve some of the pressure on our top drivers to always have to race, so keeping them fresh and motivated.
I also think that the fact that we have so many good drivers entering so many different events is a good thing too, it shows we are a diversified team. The fact that we also have alot of pickup racers shows we are not elitist in any way, as concentrating on just league racing can be fatal for interest, activity and morale.
I sincerely hope that F1RST or any of the other well respected teams don't close down and we get some updates pretty soon, to rekindle the interest of the people who have made LFS & the Community what it is today..