Well at least the description didn't lied. It it just automotive eye candy with about 1 minute of actual skills (but still pretty subjective since he probably done each take quite a few times), 3 minutes of DC commercial and 3 and a half minutes of eye candy.
Don't get me wrong, I find that extremely cool ,especially the slow motion parts, and I do think that he requires a lot of skills to do that. It's just that I think this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4P40_b93HE) needed more skills then Ken Block in his vid.
Ken could probably do that though, it just looks a bit wank to be doing circles around a cone in a Tesco carpark in an infomercial. Eye candy is often a good thing, it's nearly as good as mouth candy.
Am I the only one, or do other people have this problem too? I have noticed that the HD videos in youtube are always jerky and stuttering annoyingly, sound is just fine, but the video keeps stuttering. Basically it makes this video a "no joy" for me.
Thats probably down to your computer - at college I can watch HD stuff no problem on the good PC's, but as soon as I go on one of the crap ones that hardly run photoshop its almost unwatchable, more like a slide show than a video.
Also, anyone know a shop (online?) in the UK that sells Subaru Rally "Monster" shirts? The one's in Ken Blocks website are from USA, and thats no good for me.
Great image quality for YT HD. Imo the fluff was a bit overdone, more than in the first one, and distracted me a bit from the actual driving. More or less what I expected from the thread title.
Thats pretty impressive, better than the first one for sure. I dont belive that there were many cars broken. Hes a skilled driver - of course, everybody makes mistakes ... but not Ken Block ... yayayya!
Np it's not my computer, it's my so called gaming rig and upgraded just few months ago.
Just realised that I don't get it if I do this, put it on pause, then drag it to exactly 0:00 and THEN click the HD button, drag it to the start again wait it for buffer for a bit. Almost flawless playback then.