The online racing simulator
Why are my times so slow ?
(42 posts, started )
Why are my times so slow ?
Hi, i've been playing lfs alot and i read a lot of threads here and see people with similar conditions like me( using mouse & keyboard to drive) doing times way better then mine(5-10 seconds better).
I'm talking about the bl1 with xfg.
So i'm adding a replay of some lap of mine and maybe you could see it and tell me what is so wrong because i cant understand where other people find those 5 + seconds to cut off . ... mp;stc=1&d=1146334080

hope you could help me,

I forggoted to add that i use the default settings for the car
Attached files
lamborghini8_BL1_XFG_14095.spr - 38.5 KB - 402 views
oh theres a lot of things wrong

first of all youre using an obsolete version (p compatible one) which requires different setups than yours to be fast (hybrid tyres) => download version u
and now the big one ... the thing is your lines and braking points are way off and you try to compensate by either sliding or steering to much all of which make you end up very slow at the exit

the key to fast times is a good line though the corners and the key to a good line through the corners is a fast exit not a fast entry ... always remember to go slow in fast out through corners (i left the part on women out on purpose here)

and lastly watch some wr replays and try to learn from their lines (heres the current bl1 xfg wr: )
Ok well thanks for the replay.
I've updated the game version and watched the wr replay.
I saw that his lines are not so far away from mine its just that he uses the width of the runway better.
i noticed he is not using automatic cluch, are there any advantages of that ?
and one more thing, at the start he dedicates about a minute( i didnt realy counted) to warm the tyres, is it really nessecary, cant i warm them by doing a lap or two ?
btw, is there any diffrent between the tyre manufactures in the game ?
Automatic cluch is fine, manual doesnt help that much, driving lines, braking and the cornering are the key. And that tireheating is just what the WR guys do so they can have their fast lap without driving laps and wasting time heating the tires slowly. And no, thre isnt difference in tire manufactures, or atleast not yet.
I've just watch the video again and i got his lines and breaking points but i also notice that he often enter corners lifting the throttle and instantly turnning the wheel and i dont understand how its tail maintain its grip and the car doesnt oversteer, maybe i should change my setup ? i use the default hard track. I know tha basic of suspention tunningbut i dont think i can really make a good setup.
Default set. Once you get fast they become a major hindrance.
#7 - bal00
Another thing, you REALLY need a better setup. The one you're using has too much brake force (the tires should not lock under braking), is way too soft and has an open diff, so you always spin the inside tire.

Get a decent setup from here:

Those are the WR sets, which means they can be a bit tricky to drive for a beginner (easy to get sideways), so you might want to play with the anti roll bar settings to dial in a little more understeer.

Don't worry about manual clutch or tire heating yet. Manual clutch (if done right) is only worth like 0.1-0.2 sec per lap in the XFG, which doesn't make a difference unless you're trying to beat the WR.
Ok so now i used the current wr holder setup and did 1:38.00! its already a two seconds improvment and i guess i still have a 2-3 seconds in my lines and breaking points before tyre warmin,manual cluch and all of those things.
one more question, is there a way to know the tyre warming status during the hot laps ?
#9 - bal00
You have to keep in mind the XFG is about 1.5 sec slower in the new patch, so you actually gained like 4 sec. Press F9 to see the tire temps.
well now i had another go and managed 1:37.8 at lap no 4 but i forgot to look at the tyre status..
without all this tyre warming at the start, at which lap should they preform best ?
Depends on your driving style. In your first replay the front tires were overheated after one lap because of the lock-ups and the inside wheel spinning and the rear tires were still cold. At this point you don't have to worry about tire temps much. It's possible to run low 34's or even high 33's on cold tires. I attached a replay of a lap on cold tires.

By the way, I noticed you're running too much fuel. 7% is enough for a 5 lap race and saves some weight (=quicker laps).
Attached files
bal00_BL1_XFG_13426.spr - 39.3 KB - 254 views
nice lap!.. is it yours ? i saw some use of half throttle which i cant do with the keyboard ...
oh and i didnt know i can control the fuel, how do i do it ?
!!! i did 1:36.41 !!! i know its not perfect but what an improvment!.
i found out how to put less fuel and at lap no 4 i did it..
well now its 2 am and i've got a math test tomorrow so its time to sleep.
thanks for everyone who helped me here, finally i succeded some nice lap times.
i'll try to get to 34-35 tomorrow..
People get fast times using a steering wheel :S and being an alien....
another improvment!
31.96 !! +
35.23 +

1:35.42 again on the 4th lap!!. when i started this thread i couldn't belive theres so much to improve..
#16 - Jakg
Quote from lamborghini8 :another improvment!
31.96 !! +
35.23 +

1:35.42 again on the 4th lap!!. when i started this thread i couldn't belive theres so much to improve..

nice! i used to be able to set 1:33's in Q, but with the new physics i cant crack 31's for the first spilt, so good on you!
Quote from lamborghini8 :I've just watch the video again and i got his lines and breaking points but i also notice that he often enter corners lifting the throttle and instantly turnning the wheel and i dont understand how its tail maintain its grip...

Trust me on this coming from driving with the mouse several months to using FF equipment: when you have force feedback, you begin to drive against the forces you feel from the road, not just what you see on screen. It's hard to explain better than that, but when you turn in, you can do it very quickly and the car maintains its grip because the actual physical equipment you are using is sort of held in place by the forces generated by LFS.

I couldn't believe the difference once I finally "felt" LFS.. the first time was just with a FF joystick but even that was 5x better than a mouse. A 900 degree steering wheel is 10x better than that


btw grats on your big (and quick) improvement!
Rather than taking the WR sets and Inferno et al (don't get me wrong, these are very good sets) try and develope your own. Read a bit of the manuals around and learn what the components do, then you can adjust the car to your own driving style. Just because the WR has a particular set working for him don't mean you are gunna get the same speed out of it. Especially if you are not using a wheel.

Don't be afraid to experiment, it'll be frustrating at times when you just can't get the times in, but you'll learn so much more and eventually you will be able to knock up Setups for any given situation.

There are so many things you can do with a car to make it 'just so'. You might find you find something that just suits your driving style and you'll be knocking out the PB's in no time . . . .
I did tried to make my own and i have read the manual and know what most of the parts does but even when i know what is springs stiffness and anti sway bar i still couldn't make a good setup.. i usually lower the ride to very low and rear stifness pretty stiff and front a bit softer and add some anti roll bar oh and put a locked diff. i dont really get the damping and toe in stuff ..
maybe i just need to keep trying to make a good setup because when i'll have a good one that good for my driving style i guess i could really improve my times more.
Quote from lamborghini8 :i usually lower the ride to very low and rear stifness pretty stiff and front a bit softer and add some anti roll bar oh and put a locked diff.

Yep, sounds like the perfect recipe for a bad handling car.
I just notice something maybe important..
i noticed at the game's options that the brake helping is on(abs ? ), should i turn it off ? and another thing, i saw for the first time replay of my lap from outside the car and noticed that before each turn when i brake the rear wheels are locked and smoking, it cant be good right ?
Quote from lamborghini8 :I just notice something maybe important..
i noticed at the game's options that the brake helping is on(abs ? ), should i turn it off ? and another thing, i saw for the first time replay of my lap from outside the car and noticed that before each turn when i brake the rear wheels are locked and smoking, it cant be good right ?

Leave the brake help on, it's kind of a primitive ABS that tries to prevent lockups. It might not be useful for wheel users, but for players with a limited input device like keyboard and mouse it is ok.

Also, locking rear wheels are bad bad bad! They make the car extremely unstable and unpredictable, without providing any benefit at all. To fix this, set the brake balance more forward (higher percentage - 75 to 80% seem to be quite common).
Just drive online , and for 30 days ( if u drive every day 2 h) u will go under 1,34,20(1,34,00)

All under is, lucky and hours of drive...
Quote from blowthru67mm :Wow I downloaded ghost mod, and boom 2 laps in I run 1:36.32, Over a sec in two laps with ghost.. It helps with my lines alot

where did you get the ghost mode ??

Why are my times so slow ?
(42 posts, started )