Its in that guys signature who you replied to, why would you need to search through his posts?
Modding LFS has always been illegal on this forum, and posting pictures only makes people want these mods more and more. Personally I don't care if people are modding the game - but if they want to avoid being punished, just keep it off the official forum.
The layout isn't what you want - all you'll see is a bunch of lines on the road, and some barriers. Its a mod - the object files are changed, similar to the way the .veh mods like the S14 and AE86 work.
And apperently these people are so stupid they still can't find it on lfsdrift, because i have had several PM's like "i cant find it on lfsdrift, please link me"....
So there isn't a problem, and btw there aren't ANY mods on it apart from the layout...
They aren't there to provide us with constant updates to keep us entertained. Remember that there's only 3 of them, and making games takes a long time.
The mods that magnot makes are just conversions from other games, all they are, are models placed into LFS instead of the existing ones. He doesn't need to code the physics - which I'm guessing is what takes 90% of the time.