well, ive been trying to look for a mod or a way to lock the camera when in the external view while driving. what i mean by lock is when you turn, the camera locks on the car while turning or drifting without the car turning but the camera not locking on the car at the same time, making it difficult for some people.
an example of what im trying to say is wangan midnight maximum tune, the arcade game, how the camera barely moves on the external view. google if you dont know what it is
sorry if theres already a way or a mod for this, but ive tried looking around but no luck
by the way, when i say drift, im a patch X player, play in drifk king aus server if u dont belive me under the name Phoshizzle TeamFobZz
thanks =]
an example of what im trying to say is wangan midnight maximum tune, the arcade game, how the camera barely moves on the external view. google if you dont know what it is
sorry if theres already a way or a mod for this, but ive tried looking around but no luck
by the way, when i say drift, im a patch X player, play in drifk king aus server if u dont belive me under the name Phoshizzle TeamFobZz
thanks =]