The online racing simulator
The LFS NASCAR Experiment
(265 posts, started )
The LFS NASCAR Experiment
As some of you might have been reading in my NASCAR thread in off topic, I've dug up my old, unreleased mod system and created a new car which I'm actually releasing.

I am hoping for people to give feedback on this, and most of all, for this to be used online (so I'm hoping one or two nice people will set up modded servers).

The grand reason behind all this will be revealed in time, but for now, please download and enjoy.

Please note, you need to use an older version of LFS, as I have not updated my mod system to work with the latest two official releases of LFS.

For the download and all instructions, please head over to this webpage:

Download link

Modded servers running:
Attached files
LFS NASCAR - 1.4 MB - 1043 views
#2 - 5haz
Sick oneeee.
Downloading Patch X.
Awesome. Downloading now
Sorry Bob, can't get it working.

When I run it, the first two of the six boxes on your app are green and the third red. I am running X10, and the car specs (both in the menu and on the track) are XRT.

Running XP SP3 if that's useful.
#6 - BAMBO
Done a few laps with it and I must say that it feels so close to the real thing. Even going off is quite realistic with a few exceptions which I don't think can be fixed due to limited control.

The only thing that seems out of hand, is braking like you do on normal tracks. Took it around Fern Bay with the "..." setup and it seems to fishtail a lot during hard braking. On R3s, if I wasn't careful, it would simply bring the rear ahead of the front. Changed to R2s since I suspect it's due to limited traction. It isn't as radical as with R3s but it still is noticeable.

From what I know, this cars are basically walking billboards, brakes shouldn't be as powerful and fishtailing should only be a dream even in the most extreme conditions.

Will try to tweak with the setup and see if I can solve the problem.
Quote from duke_toaster :Sorry Bob, can't get it working.

When I run it, the first two of the six boxes on your app are green and the third red. I am running X10, and the car specs (both in the menu and on the track) are XRT.

Running XP SP3 if that's useful.

Same here with X version and XP SP3.
#8 - BAMBO
Did a bit of testing with a slightly changed setup. Lowered the pressure to 200 kPa on the R2s and it still is a bit twitchy under braking, but manageable.
Oval racers will love this, good job Bob

E: I cant seem to make it work.

It does NOT support versions X and X10 to me for some reason :/ (1st one is green, but 2nd one is red )

Using Windows Vista.
Is everyone extracting this to their LFS folder? The program doesn't think your LFS is unlocked, for some reason. I'm not sure why it would work for some but not others.

BAMBO - the car is set up for ovals (it has maximum wedge), and I've never driven it on a road course, so it hasn't been tuned for that at all. The ... setup isn't meant to be used.
Yeah, I created another LFS folder where i extracted the version (Patch X)

Do i need to unlock it first before extracting the Nascar mod into the LFS folder?
I unlocked it first.
Quote from duke_toaster :I unlocked it first.

So did i, but then deleted the LFS folder. But i dont want to spend another one for nothin'
neat although i was kinda hoping to see the modding tool released instead of one single car
Is it supposed to say J@tko left the pits (NAS)?
Yeah, that's right. I renamed the car so you don't see all your XRT setups.

I'll look at the issue people have with the program not running tomorrow, although I'm not sure how I can debug it when it works fine for me. Perhaps I'll write a debugger app that will give me the info I need, and send it to a couple of the people that have the problem.
Quote from Bob Smith :Yeah, that's right. I renamed the car so you don't see all your XRT setups.

I'll look at the issue people have with the program not running tomorrow, although I'm not sure how I can debug it when it works fine for me. Perhaps I'll write a debugger app that will give me the info I need, and send it to a couple of the people that have the problem.

if only the devs would make some kind of online thing where you can't go online if you don't have the default VOB folder, then you could make a stock car
#20 - Byku
Everything works great here . Unlocked my LFS X10(without-using-crack) and ran Your exe. REALLY interesting to drive ^^. Hope Scawen will put NASCAR car(and smaller oval) to LFS sometime .
Working perfect here, thanks Bob!
Working fine here on patch X. Fantastic fun!

If anyone's got a server running tomorow after 6pm GMT, i'll happily join. Would be fun with a full grid!
It looks very realistic, even crashes and so on.
Kind of difficult to play with mouse though (I can't handle acceleration so good when tyres start to get hot).
Playing with 19 AIs looks like the end of the world. So much fun.

I hope someone makes a modded server for it...
Training with AIs is only useful if you want to improve your avoiding collision skills.

Edit: forgot to add attachments :doh:
Attached images
NASCAR AI fails.jpg
NASCAR AI fails 2.jpg
NASCAR AI fails 3.jpg
NASCAR AI fails 4.jpg
Great stuff Bob! Loved it.
#25 - Bub
Great work, will test it write now
Couse i always wanted nascar in LFs lol

The LFS NASCAR Experiment
(265 posts, started )