It'll all be sorted out G!NhO, don't worry!

There's a lot for the admins to do!
As for the protest against us, I wish I was paying more attention to who was lapping me because I don't remember blocking anyone, but I do remember being bumped many a time by people lapping me.

Twice they completely cut me off (I was lucky to get away with one going into the first corner, I got shoved onto the grass while I was out of the way of them) and one guy managed to ram me on a straight! I wasn't weaving or anthing, just going in a completely straight line and thump!

I'm not protesting because somehow none of these caused a crash, but I think it's something to bear in mind.
Anyway, I'll stop being negative, I really enjoyed that.

We were running 10th before our take-over and disconnect fails which was nice, but a pity we couldn't keep it. I think we'll practice harder for next round!

Cheers guys!