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Does god exist?
(99 posts, started )

Poll : Does religion exist? Or, do you belive in something?

Does god exist?
Alright, i was just chilling around and TV decided to show me the "wife swap" show. It was about 2 families. One of them was christian familiy and the other one was about atheistic family. The mothers of both familyes were swapped and ... what a mess. Christian familys mother forced the religion on atheistic family and the same with atheistic. My point here is that, religion doesnt exist. But why people still talk that there is god? If we would ask them that they could prove it. They will tell us that he is somewhere in heaven or what ever, since im thinking that theyr crazy. Its same, when i maginate about flyng monkeys. I didnt want to be offensive or something. If anyone finds this thread offensive, then im sorry. Or else, if this thread doesnt fit here - delete it.

Vote, about all kind of religions. Not just "god" - all kind of allah's and stuff. Just, to see the population of doomed people

Me personally, i dont belive in god. Never will.
Voted no. but there is just as much chance of there being a god/gods than science actually being true
w00pz, i found out that there already is a thread about this. Well, lets see. We dont have to discuss, but maybe a vote would nice.
This can be dicsussed to the end of the world, I voted no but at same time I belive there might be something more.. or at least hopes so.
I belive in science, but evne the big bang theory is now wrong, since the space is bigger than what it possible could be if that theroy was right (fairly new info). God don't need to show himself that he excist, because then the point of beliving would be gone, and everyone would KNOW he excist.
I give great respect to christian people that manage to keep their belifs firm with all the bashing of their veiw.

But of course, forcing people to belive is the worst you can do. Beliving is a self made choise.
Voted No....

My mind just cannot get around that some dude made the earth and the universe......

Jesus doesnt exist too

Say some guy decided to stand in middle of London (or anotehr big city) and all of a sudden started telling people he is Jesus, and that he once again came to sort things out. People would look at him like an idiot, and he would be locked up in the mental house couple days later.

Basically, what I am saying, is how exactly do we know "Jesus" was really the son of God. The Bible? How do we know its true, well, we dont. And thats why its called faith, people believe in it, but I dont. To me its all too much.
#6 - Byku
You could add some more options , couse simple no/yes is not enought. Personally I believe that there... should be something more, but i wouldn't blindly vote yes or no... i voted yes... because I believe that there is SOMETHING.... but I have no bloody idea what exacly it might be.
Quote from Byku :You could add some more options

Cant edit the poll anymore

Maybe moderator could do it? ... Would add something like "Not sure" or something?

Edit: And name the thread as "Does religion exist?" or something. I was too excited about this thread when i was making it
#8 - STF
I guess/feel/hope/want that there is something bigger than our imagination out there, an entity(or more) of some sorts. But not the kind of "it" people invented in order to have something to inspire fear to the masses.
Voted no.
You'll find out in the end so why worry now?
there is this thread already
Quote from spankmeyer :You'll find out in the end so why worry now?

I want to know if I should waste my life on LFS and do something useful in heaven; like play more LFS.
#12 - JJ72
Quote from JJ72 :Or maybe you won't.

Technicalities. If you simply seize to exist then there's no God. If you get invited to a house party, there's a God.
I voted no.
#15 - JJ72
Quote from spankmeyer :Technicalities. If you simply seize to exist then there's no God. If you get invited to a house party, there's a God.

Or maybe there's a god but his house is only large enough for a few people, so he couldn't invite you in.

and when you seize to exist you wouldn't know anything, your ability to understand something only go as far as the moment before you are gone, so you really wouldn't know.
Quote from JJ72 :Or maybe there's a god but his house is only large enough for a few people, so he couldn't invite you in.

and when you seize to exist you wouldn't know anything, your ability to understand something only go as far as the moment before you are gone, so you really wouldn't know.

Could a God make such a big party and fail to deliver enough beer at the same time?

If/when you seize to exist and disappear back into cosmos as energy, one could argue that yes, in the end, you proved to the former entity of yours that there's no God as there was no afterlife and thus ignorance (since you cannot comprehend your disappearance) is bliss/Heaven in the end.

However if you think that turning back into some form of energy in shape of microwaves, atomic particles, heat, radiation is the same as afterlife/finding a pleasant God, then I'd say things turned out for the best in the end despite things looked really shitty at some point of our lives.

EDIT: I choose not to vote as the options are lacking.
Of cource there is a God, although it changes every 2/4 years depending upon who knocks England out of the World Cup/European Cup.

Obviously Maradona is still the no1 God.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Of cource there is a God, although it changes every 2/4 years depending upon who knocks England out of the World Cup.

Obviously Maradona is still the no1 God.

Show's over. Good night.
Quote from hazaky :Cant edit the poll anymore

Maybe moderator could do it? ... Would add something like "Not sure" or something?

Edit: And name the thread as "Does religion exist?" or something. I was too excited about this thread when i was making it

OP can edit the thread title with double clicking the thread title in forum.
i think there is religion, but gods are...well 50/50. maybe, maybe not
#21 - JJ72
Quote from spankmeyer :Could a God make such a big party and fail to deliver enough beer at the same time?

yeah, who said god has to be infinite? god might be very powerful but not ALL powerful.

Quote from spankmeyer :If/when you seize to exist and disappear back into cosmos as energy, one could argue that yes, in the end, you proved to the former entity of yours that there's no God as there was no afterlife and thus ignorance (since you cannot comprehend your disappearance) is bliss/Heaven in the end.

the existence of god doesn't equal afterlife, maybe god does not intent that mortals should have an afterlife? or maybe it isn't an area god actually interferes?

Quote from spankmeyer :However if you think that turning back into some form of energy in shape of microwaves, atomic particles, heat, radiation is the same as afterlife/finding a pleasant God, then I'd say things turned out for the best in the end despite things looked really shitty at some point of our lives.

I absolutely agree with you, I can't imagine the misery of eternal life in an alternate reality.

A lot of the arguments were made base on our assumption on the christian god, which in my opinion is one of the most unprobable version of god likely to exist, an all powerful god is simply a logical impossibility.

My idea of god is not very clear cut, some being might process power beyond our comprehension, but it won't be all powerful, the force of nature wouldn't be in the control of one single entity, and the single most powerful being in the universe, might not even be close to what we perceive as having god like power.

so, I can't vote as well!
The original question is an easy one.

Does religion exist?

Of course it does. In fact, and it might come surprising to you, there are hundreds of different religions right now. And no matter if you are a believer, an agnostic or atheist, religion does exist.

Of course, the existence of god is a totally different matter. I for one don't think there is one.
The poll question is strange.

Yes, religion does (sadly) exist but I don't believe in god. So I would have to vote both yes and no.
No. I exist, what else do I need?

Church ->
that poll fails, everyone have to say yes. religion is beliving into something(IMO) and those who dont belive in god or that, belive that there isnt any god so they have their own beliving AKA religion. kinda hard to explain tho

Does god exist?
(99 posts, started )