CYBERCON.INC spyware in new patch ?
illepall devs, I was just playing U patch when all of a sudden my connection was closed due to my peer guardian detecting spywere from the server I had connect to, WTF can you confirm there is infact spyware in your game? the destination IP was the server i was playing so what gives
I would be EXTREMELY suprised if there was anything remotely resembling spyware in LFS.

Peer guardian doesnt infact detect spyware, it blocks out ranges of IP's so naughty people who use p2p can't get collared by the BPI etc.

Obviously Cybercon are on peer guardian's "hit list", but they (Cybercon) are just a web hosting company >

interesting here are some facts
never did it until i installed U patch
the ip send was the server i was playing on, the reciever ws cybercon, after i watched my peer guardian and i was getting hit like crazy without doing anything,
#4 - bal00
Peer guardian freaked out because the IP of the game server is similar to some spyware servers.
Could be any number of things, many of them totally unrelated to LFS, could be a total coincedence too.

For some reason cybercon are connecting to your machine, but it doesnt actually mean anything, heck I probably get 10,000 portscans from different ip's everyday.

If the IP (cybercons) wasnt on PG's blacklist you wouldnt have seen it, there must be some reason there range is on PG's blacklist, but I dont know why.

To be perfectly honest I wouldnt worry about it that much, LFS doesnt contain spyware, heck you could have even been running something in the background that has connected to that ip, or you could even have a virus/spyware infection.

#6 - bal00
Here's what probably happened:
-Cybercon is a hosting company with hundreds or thousands of different servers.
-One of Cybercons customers was doing something spyware-related with a rented server.
-Peer Guardian wrongly blacklisted ALL Cybercon servers/IP's/customers
-You connected to a game server which happens to be hosted with Cybercon, so Peer Guardian saw your computer communicating with a blacklisted IP
Quote from seinfeld :illepall devs, I was just playing U patch when all of a sudden my connection was closed due to my peer guardian detecting spywere from the server I had connect to, WTF can you confirm there is infact spyware in your game? the destination IP was the server i was playing so what gives

seinfeld illepall
Quote from PLAYLIFE :seinfeld illepall

i dunno wats going on, maybe the game server is hosted by these guys and spying on my laptimes
either way i was just asking and fishing to see if other ppl have had same problem, and to confirm its not LFS, im just trying to narrow it down

I removed my cookies its seem to be gone, but it wasnt detected as spyware or a bad cookie, they r sneaky ill give them that
seinfeld do you even know what peer guardian is? If you did you would know that it has absolutely nothing to do with spyware or viruses or anything of the sort. No need to run it while playing LFS.

Go get a firewall or router if you don't have one already, and use an Antivirus and Adaware/Spybot S&D etc to scan for spyware..

If you are running Peerguardian for P2P and then trying to play LFS on the same machine, turn off your P2P and turn off Peer Guardian.. it will just make you laggy and a pain for other players anyway.

illepall illepall illepall illepall
#10 - joen
Quote from seinfeld : i dunno wats going on, maybe the game server is hosted by these guys and spying on my laptimes
either way i was just asking and fishing to see if other ppl have had same problem, and to confirm its not LFS, im just trying to narrow it down

I removed my cookies its seem to be gone, but it wasnt detected as spyware or a bad cookie, they r sneaky ill give them that

You're way too paranoid.
It's highly unlikely that all this has anything to do with spying/spyware/being sneaky.

Peerguardian does NOT detect spyware. Peerguardian has a list of IP ranges that belong to companies that you might not want to connect to for obvious p2p related reasons. All PG does is check your traffic for these IP's. So for some reason they put Cybercons on there.

Remove it from the list and the "problem" will be gone.

And to think that the devs would put spyware in LFS is just silly. They are the last people on earth I would expect to do such a thing.
Obviously, we don't spread or use spyware. We're in the business of making a simulator. We have no need or desire to spy on people or their computers.

Notice that LFS never connects to the internet unless you tell it to (when you unlock, get a list of games, connect to a host, start a host, download skins for a replay).

It winds me up when software that I install (for example from a CD when I buy a printer or a DVD drive) tries to connect to the internet for no good reason whatsoever, and the only knowledge I have of it, is a message from my firewall software. So we don't do that.
totally scawen i know exactly what you mean, how this for an example, i installed a HP printer, all of a sudden trned micro poped up and said it blocked a ms04 network vulnerability I mean WTF from HP?

I didnt think that it was lfs, just strange that the server i had connected to was the source of the ips, id say the servers i was using are run by these duche bags illepall and were doing a little scanning arseoles spyware should be illegal, spam is already illegal here in Oz, if an australian company gets caught spammin 1Million dollar fine
#13 - Jakg
to clear matters up - no-one else has spyware in lfs, so either its something else or you got a dodgy mirror!
Quote from seinfeld :

I didnt think that it was lfs, just strange that the server i had connected to was the source of the ips, id say the servers i was using are run by these duche bags illepall and were doing a little scanning arseoles spyware should be illegal, spam is already illegal here in Oz, if an australian company gets caught spammin 1Million dollar fine

Peerguardian has nothing to do with scans or spyware!! LOL- really.
#15 - joen
Did you read any of the comments? This has _nothing_ to do with scanning your PC and/or spyware, what makes you think that?

The IP range of the hosting company has been put on a list which PeerGuardian uses. You connect to that server to join a game --> you and the server exchange packets --> PeerGuardian blocks it because the IP of the server has been put on the blocklist by the peerguardian people for whatever reason. The only thing PG does is block certain IP ranges. So that, for example, Sony Pictures wouldn't be able to connect to you (and thus identify you to a certain extent) while you're downloading torrents of their movies.

A server obviously has to exchange packets with you otherwise online play wouldn't be possible right?
Get an understanding of what PG is and does before you start blaming the server owners/administrators.

I hope you're not relying on PG to protect you from spyware, because it doesn't. At all.
Use a decent firewall for that. PG is an IP blocker, not a firewall, it's not the same thing.

You talk about spying on your laptimes. Why would anyone go through trouble for that when they can be found on LFSWorld?
Yeah he needs to go read some articles on firewalls, spyware, anti-virus, etc..

I use AVG free for AV, Sygate for software firewall (when I used a software firewall- I use a routewr now) And a bunch of different programs for Trojan and adaware scanning.. He needs to get a clue about these things really.. for his own security.
lfs downloads porn
Wtf this meens? CPW
Wheen i join on server they kick me and this ..(take a look attachment file)
Attached images
#19 - joen
Quote from undertaker00 :Wtf this meens? CPW
Wheen i join on server they kick me and this ..(take a look attachment file)

What does that have to do with this thread?

Answer was given in a thread earlier today:
Quote from KiDCoDEa :lfs downloads porn

i wish...