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Top Gear starts June 21st
(100 posts, started )
Top Gear starts June 21st
Top Gear is back June 21st cant wait to see what silly antics they get up to this time.
#2 - oli17
i can't wait!

oh shit **** wank! i just realised i'll be on holiday! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr *programs BT Vision box*

edit: lol at the fact it only stars out one swear word
'Bout time they came back on screen.... probably won't be for long mind
from what andy wilmans blog said it is a 7 episode run
only 7 episodes
i know but its better than nothing
Quote from mookie427 :only 7 episodes

Better than having 0 episodes! Tbh I can imagine they'll have loads of challenges and things, generally I've noticed the more challenges, the shorter the run of episodes per series. BBC know that Top Gear is probably their most - most watched show so they can't afford not to keep it going.
It never runs for much more than that anyway, the most its ever run for was last years summer series which was 11 episodes.
7 or 1, I welcome any Top Gear on my screen.

"Permission to say cock on TV"
Great news. Best show in the world
Quote from S14 DRIFT :BBC know that Top Gear is probably their most - most watched show so they can't afford not to keep it going.

Come again?
Like the BBC has alot of programs that are watched by millions but Top Gear is the most watched program, out of all of the programs that are watched by most!

Ok I'm being purposefully confusing now..:hide:
One thing is dont expect big stuff in it because they were told they werent allowed too many really expensive things because of the cost cutting crap BBC did.
Doesnt matter here, our channels show Top Gear from year 2004 ... And i dont have DigiTV in my room (or what u ppl call it). Sux big time.
Quote from hazaky :Doesnt matter here, our channels show Top Gear from year 2004 ... And i dont have DigiTV in my room (or what u ppl call it). Sux big time.

UK based proxy + BBC iPlayer = happy hazaky.
Quote from Syfoon :UK based proxy + BBC iPlayer = happy hazaky.

Tell me more about it, i think that i got something but ... i dont get it
Quote from hazaky :Tell me more about it, i think that i got something but ... i dont get it

Simply put, you can connect to a UK computer to trick the iPlayer into thinking you're in the UK, so it'll let you play the programmes
#18 - 5haz
Not a bad birthday present.
...i hope this will be shown in finland
Damn you UFRC
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Like the BBC has alot of programs that are watched by millions but Top Gear is the most watched program, out of all of the programs that are watched by most!

Ok I'm being purposefully confusing now..:hide:

lol They can afford to do what they want. They are not a commercial organisation that has to make money. They are funded by a TV tax. They can, and do regularly put out any old tosh because they don't have to be accountable to investors.

Their monopolt of the airwaves means other broadcasters struggle to compete and this programming on a whole is reduced in quality.
#22 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :lol They can afford to do what they want. They are not a commercial organisation that has to make money. They are funded by a TV tax. They can, and do regularly put out any old tosh because they don't have to be accountable to investors.

Their monopolt of the airwaves means other broadcasters struggle to compete and this programming on a whole is reduced in quality.

Still, the amount of money raised through tax is not infinite, so the BBC still has to keep a careful eye on its spending.

And the BBC don't have a monopoly, a monopoly would mean they would be the only provider in the country.
Quote from batteryy :...i hope this will be shown in finland

It probably will, but we have to wait for at least 1 year to see them. I have always wondered are those shows so expensive that MTV3 (or other Finnish channels for that matter) can't afford them when their fresh. They could at least show the older episodes in between...
Same goes for Mythbusters and CSI, when they air the "new" episodes they are always like 2 years old already and then again only few episodes are shown and it's off again or they just go for the re-runs.
Why are you talking like there's no internet? Like you won't download torrents the next day, no matter where you live
Dunno, I usually prefer watching my favorite TV shows from the telly instead of from my computer.

Top Gear starts June 21st
(100 posts, started )