I'm going on sat/sun. Anyone else going? And where will you be roughly if you are? (In case someone actually wants to meet me

Rain forecast for sunday. Oh no, please don't be like last year! *Shudders* Thank god for those large plastic cattle feed bags that were in the car for some reason, we didn't get as wet as we should have! I might take a few this year, should be able to make a tidy profit from selling 'em.

Actually, the forecast has been updated to possible light rain, so it looks like it might be okay. Though I wouldn't mind heavy rain for the Porsches, I'd rather be saturated than sit through seriously boring dry race like usual.
Can't wait! Croft is a good track, mabye not as good as some, but I've been there for the BTCC for the past 5/6 years, had the luck to drive round it in a race-spec mini thing and I love the place!