The online racing simulator
rally skins
(23 posts, started )
rally skins
hi all
im trying to get a collection of rally car skins as i can only find subaru and some other skin and im trying to get a big pile of them
if you have any could you post them here please

thanks for all who post skins
There was a celica RB4 one somewhere, with the Castrol stuff.
has anyone got any more skins to post

ill post the ones that i have but i dont have much

plus i cant find all off them

i lost a few off them
heres a few skins
Attached images
heres the rest of the skins that i have i know its sort of alot but there is a lot more

there in a rar file
soz ma pc is screwin about so a canna post the skins the now maybe tomorow
soz it wont let me upload them at all the now ill try in about a week because ma internet is messing about

soz for the mishap
sorry for not repliing for a while
i havent been able to work ont the skin packs for a while as my pcs beeen under construction but ive finally fixed it i will get the skin packs back on it as soon as possible thanks batteryy and line r32 for the skins they will help

still lokking for other skins from any body as long as they are rally or offroad at least

i will put the first issues of skin packs out a soon as possible but they wont quite be finished
i think ill have most of them on tonite
got them now
it only alowed 5 skins per archive without it going over the 1.9 limit
is that normal ???
any way here they are

p.s theres 22 of them
skin packs
they arent in order like 1 2 3 there like 22 3 5 4
:rally_dri R.I.P colin mcrae :rally_dri
Attached files
17.rar - 1.4 MB - 160 views
19.rar - 1.8 MB - 161 views
20.rar - 747.3 KB - 175 views
no more tonite the rest will be tomorow or sunday
i have a wedding to go to tomorow
Attached files
rally skin kit.rar - 1.3 MB - 170 views
Hello Stikyiky,

can you please include the 2048x2048 pixel version of my FXR - WRC BP-Ford Skin. I don't want the 1024x1024 version to be included in the kit!

Thank you
skin packs
hope every 1 enjoys the skin packs
reply with comments on them please

and also credits given to the creators of all the skins as i dont know who they where as none of them were mine
i might have some snow rally by skinman from lfs database if he allows me to

rally skins
(23 posts, started )