Stang70fastback, thanks for the info.
I'm in two minds about Tripplehead2go??? Its either a 30in Dell, 30 inc Apple or 3x22in NEC at 1680x1050.
I had no idea this game was running under DX8

It looks sweet on my system and like you say, it runs on the older cards too.NICE.
I mainly want the 3 screens for Trackir (one2one mapping). I want to feel I'm totaly emmersed while playing. I played 3hrs today online with some nice German guys (they never flammed me down for having a nice rig.hahahah) and I've not had such fun since playing Project Gotham 3 online years back on
Very pleased with my S2 License.
But I must admit to signing up to iRacer tonight (no flaming please). Its what Ive always wanted and for £12 pounds per month, I think its a bargin. You could go and waste 24.99 tomorrow on GT5p and not have as much fun.
BTW, do you guys agree that PS3 GT5p has taken a step back since the awesome GT3 on PS2 ????
It aint what it used to be.
Oh well, time to practice my opostite