I decided to have a go on GTA last night. Unfortunately, the server i was in was full of american kids, around 10 years old i would guess.
These kid's kept on bitching everytime i took a shot at them or killed them, telling me to stop. I put up with this for a while until i eventually ranted at him saying "stop your bitching. One of GTA's aspects is to kill other people, its the point of the game" etc. etc.
After i said this, one kid tryed to be funny and said "i cant understand your language". At first i thought he meant my accent, but no...He actually thought there was a "british language" and an "american language". I then tryed explaining to him how there is no british or american language, there all just accents and americans SPEAK english, but he was'nt having none of it. I wish i could have recorded the conversation as it went on for 10 minutes, but i still cant believe this guy thought i was talking "british language". Dont kids goto school anymore?