The online racing simulator
New G25 weak FFB
(7 posts, started )
#1 - Xepa
New G25 weak FFB
When I bought my 1st G25 2 years ago the ffb was wrist breaking strong, but over time the ffb got weaker and weaker, so I bought a new one .
But to my big surprise the ffb on the new one was even weaker than my 2 year old worn out wheel.
I recall I could not have the profiler on 100% on the old G25 it would simply be to strong, but now on the new G25 100% is just to weak.
Also the ffb gets lighter after playing just half an hour.
Did I get a lemon? Or has Logitech toned down the FFB on the newer revisions?
How much did you set it in game?
#3 - Xepa
On max, and i'm sure its not a setting issue, ffb in other games are also weak regardless setting.
Maybe you're stronger now, then 2 years ago
New FFB engines in the "new" G25's. My brother has a new one, why I has the old veriasion which I bought the same day it came to Norway. I can use 200 FFB in lfs with his wheel, while 40 is max with my wheel. But I think the FFB is better with the new engines though. Much more compact, and they react faster. I might switch to his wheel :P
#6 - Xepa
I would really like to know, did Logitech change the 2 ffb motors or just lower the output voltage to the motors from the circuit board. Then it sould be possible to swap the "new" board with the old one. If I set the rotation to 180 degrees on the "old" G25 it would lock up at that quarter rotation like there was a physical stop, but on the "new" it barely gets stronger at that point.

I like my beers and my ffb strong
If it gets worse over time, it could be a sign of overheating, which is possible, especially when you run high strengths in the profiler or game/sim.

Running the logitech software above 100% can start this phenomenom and running the game settings ''too high'' as well, read for some more info on that.


New G25 weak FFB
(7 posts, started )