The qualifying was surprisingly good - the rest was pretty much the same old 'get sent to the back of the field' like in all rounds. But I can at least claim to have finished all races of the iTCC!
I'd like to thank Joe, Darren, Tom and all the others who were organizing this. I already knew that you guys are great but now a lot more people know, how amazing iCON racing is!
Well the racing is very close as it is. But just an idea, seeing as its similar to Touring Cars then why not restrict part of the cars setup. Such as Downforce must be set to say front 10 rear 12 at all times. (JUST AS AN EXAMPLE, DOESNT HAVE TO BE DOWNFORCE OR THOSE SETTINGS) Just an idea not a lets go this way.
IMO, Bumpdrafting isn't used in touring car racing. However, it increases overtaking and racing, and gives the stragglers a chance to catch back to the lead pack, so I would keep it
I would agree about banning bumpdrafting; it was very clear at Aston and Kyoto especially, that if you got yourself a partner you could cruise past everyone. It made for good commentating but I'd rather have standard racing and cut out the silliness.
I use bumpdrafting in real life racing. Unluckily, since Im driving formula cars, the nose always get broken for some reason(just kidding :P) But as Ben says, it stranghten the team aspect of the series.