The online racing simulator

Poll : Do you want to join this competition? (easier for to have a poll)

Closed since :
S2 user(s) : Yes
Maybe (please give a comment in the thread if you then join)
Demo user(s) : Yes
So sorry.
damn, i completely forgot this comp well, no can do anymore
So who have won?

I'm for sure Ikke did, but who's the other guy ?
Read my posts
Either way, so far 3 people have joined this comp, 1 S2 user and 2 demo users. I will let them all join in one and same poll, the top 2 is winning it. If the S2 user win's it he is freely to deside waht to do with it
Wish I could give you time for that mate, but it would be unfair to the ones that entered. You have to have at least 8 skins completed before the timelimit. If you manage that I will let you join the competition and finish the other skins later
Yeah that is But I won't be home and online before 18.00GMT+1, so make one extra hour there. Run doing it, 2.5H lol
Ok, so we got 3 people that have made skin packs lol
I am sorry Niko buddy, but I have to close this one now.

The poll will be running in a other topic to next friday. The skins will be preveiwed there, aswell as who the finalis is.