The online racing simulator
Does this count?
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Quote from Danny LFS :Ramps or bouncy barriers? You know, there's no damage in S1.

Do I need to make video of it to make you believe? :|
there's a easy zero wheels! (FBM)

Of course, i help you how the hell i did it.
i warn you my first try not worked
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2wheel (first try no work).spr - 34.2 KB - 297 views
In the last Absolute Beginners Open S2 League, i had this little (almost) accident. I cant believe i saved it If i had rolled, I had lost my second position in the race

2, 3 and no wheeler in the image

Edit: It only plays once ah well, i hope you get to see it
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One by me.
hehe (me here :p)
Well i did a first 2wheel xrr...

...then i did 0wheel xrr...

..and for end it's backed to 3wheel

+ a BF1 wheelie (i dont uploaded screenshot ya.
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2wheel xrr.JPG
0 wheel xrr.JPG
3 wheel xrr.JPG
Quote from Mikko1 :Well i did a first 2wheel xrr...

...then i did 0wheel xrr...

..and for end it's backed to 3wheel

+ a BF1 wheelie (i dont uploaded screenshot ya.

At my comp it seems like 0 wheel 0 wheel and 3 wheel?? or are you on the ground on the first picture?
Recap of my 2wheeler:

And Yes: I saved it
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Quote from Furiously-Fast :I have no idea how I managed not to catch this one.

How do you get your car's lighting to look like that? o.o
Houston! We are ready to start.

Thought it kinda fits in here

I did not roll :P
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Quote from Bose321 :I've detected 100% of spam in your posts.

Ive detected 110% spam in your post.

Heres 8 wheels off.
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me again :)
Quote from Bose321 :And this is no spam?

Um no cause there are pictures attached dah. Therefore i contributed to the thread rather then a useless post like this one, pointing out how you got it wrong.
aah. now i see ^^