Wow time flies when you're having fun, eh?
Two years ago when Ian and I first started, [dSRC], we never expected things to get to where they are now. Back then a Rudi Turbo was just a funny car name to me.
We owe a big thanks to the wonderful members we have, you guys are the best.:static: One thing that makes our team a bit unique is we aren't just teammates and friends, we're like a family.
We also owe a big thanks to the wonderful friends we've made in the LFS community. If I started to list you all this would end up looking like a list of LFS team rosters. lol 
LFS started out as being just something to do... now it's become a way of life. It gets in your blood and you're lost forever.
Over the last year more and more of our members have become active in LFS leagues, and over the next year we hope to have even more participating in them. At this time I'd like to introduce you to my family/team.
[dSRC]Ian.H Co-founder/team leader {retired or so he thinks
and lastly... me...
[dSRC]tiny Co-founder/Team Leader/team Brat
Our [dSRC]Battle Grounds servers are up 24/7 so stop by and introduce yourself.
One last thank you to Eza for making our Anniversary Banner for us.

Two years ago when Ian and I first started, [dSRC], we never expected things to get to where they are now. Back then a Rudi Turbo was just a funny car name to me.

LFS started out as being just something to do... now it's become a way of life. It gets in your blood and you're lost forever.
Over the last year more and more of our members have become active in LFS leagues, and over the next year we hope to have even more participating in them. At this time I'd like to introduce you to my family/team.

[dSRC]Ian.H Co-founder/team leader {retired or so he thinks

and lastly... me...
[dSRC]tiny Co-founder/Team Leader/team Brat

Our [dSRC]Battle Grounds servers are up 24/7 so stop by and introduce yourself.

One last thank you to Eza for making our Anniversary Banner for us.
