New Dimension Racing are pleased to announce that sign-ups for our 2009 Summer Event are now open. The Event is only a little bit over 3 weeks away and so we're opening them now - join us for our best fun 2 hour endurance event yet!
Date: 12/7/09 (Sunday)
Time: Green Flag at around 1455 UTC (Remember, UTC = BST-1)
Server: NDR|2009 Summer Event
Password: PMed to you
Track: AS4 (Aston Historic)
Cars: GT2 (FXR 31%, XRR 33%, FZR 26%+15kg)
Start: Standing
Race Length: 2 hours
Quali Procedure: Open Server Qualification for the week before the event.
If you're new to our 2 hour Fun Events, then welcome. We always strive to make sure you enjoy our events, but none more than our Seasonal Enduros, which are there purely for your enjoyment and racing pleasure.
We will be broadcasting the race live, join Chris Wilkinson on NDRTV if you're not racing, or want to watch your team-mate fail and leave it all up to you in the last hour

As usual, you can enter on your own or in a team of two, but there's a compulsory pit-stop to make sure those in a team are not at a disadvantage. However, you'd be bloody good to go the 2 hours without stopping for fuel

The rest of the rules are as normal with regard to our events, but with one new one detailed at the bottom:
- The Race Director (dekojester) is in charge. What he says goes.
- Please watch out for Blue Flags, and respect each other when passing.
- At least 1 mandatory Pit Stop must be made during the race. It can be made any time between the start of the race and 5 mins before the end. (1h 55 mins in)
- ALL members of your team are allowed to do laps in the quali session, the best will count.
- Please avoid cutting the blend lines. Doing so may result in a Drive-Through Penalty
- The start of the race is a standing start.
- Always have the utmost respect for your competitors.
- If you wish to make a complaint, then post it in relevant thread the NDR Section of the forum and we'll investigate for you.
- We have a ventrilo server if you want to join us for voice chat or even be interviewed, live on air. Server is vt.fragmaster.net, port is 3922. Go past all the oval racers until you find the NDR Section about half-way down, double click and you'll enter our 'zone' (Thanks as always to [FM] for our ventrilo channel) If you've got to the WoW players you've gone too far.
- Bumpdrafting is not allowed
- Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are reserved for those drivers who finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in the previous Enduro Event [In this case the Easter Event]
- You may pick any integer number between 4 and 999
- Number 05 = Number 5 [i.e, you can't have 05 if someone else has 5]
- Your name in the server should be ## N.Surname
Real Name(s):
LFS Username(s)
Team Name:
Car (FXR-GT2, XRR-GT2 or FZR-GT2):
Remember, you still need to come up with a team name even if you're on your own/not in an LFS Team. Extra Brownie Points go to those whose team names have a summery flavour (Like Concept Racing did at Easter

We can have as many sign-ups as we like - the top 32 go into the race, the rest are reserves in the order of qualification time.
List of Sign-Ups:
Click Here
We hope to welcome you to the event or to our broadcast

Best Wishes
Jack "J@tko" Atkinson
Head of NDR