Poll : What skin pack should win? Top two wins

Closed since :
Isn't a personal skinpack all about personal taste?
Anyway, I have to agree with so many LFS drivers in the forum, PedraumF has the best skin pack.

Besides the good work he still made a tribute to Peter Soberg, who deserves it.
#53 - cawe
pedraumf the best!!!!!
IkKE BesT!!
Quote from IKke5165 :Isn't a personal skinpack all about personal taste?

It is
Keep un mine, many days left of the poll
All vote for Ikke, then HP999 will kiss ya all... Ofc if Ikke will win.
No,I won't.
Congrats Ikke and PendraumF ^^
My vote goes to PedraumF, think his skins look best!
PedraumF gets my vote, good skins
PedraumF gets another vote from here.
I voted for Boscho, the most complete looking set of skins IMO

Very nice work all of you

Pedraum for the win!
His skins are looking realy nice and not like made in short time.
The 10th day has arrived, at what time will the winners be announced?
It is? Readed in description : This poll will close on 26th June 2009 at 15:55

Tomorrow that is, I'll sort out the prices so they'll be ready tomorrow.
Nice skins lets see who to vote on now
you could have entered competition
Quote from EliteAti :you could have entered competition

Na im a lazy b^^tch right niow

Oh and I voted Pedraum

It seems like the winner(s) are clear, kudos to them! But the prices and such will be dealed with when I coming home, coming home around 18.00 GMT+1, and we'll sort it out

EDIT : Going to be shitfaced, will be a little late, but do not worry, I'll do my best to update this topic this evening / tomorrow morning. You can wait 1 day on the lisences / codes
The poll is now closed I see and I want to thank everyone who voted for me or my skins and I want to thank TVE for this opportunity. Also congratulations PedraumF with your fenomenal victory.
Congrats to both of you.
Oh my ****ing god I am shitfaced! Gratz to you two! I get the codes today, and you two send me a tell so I can send you the voucher codes!
Gratz lol, and thanks for great skins. When I am sober, aka tomorrow I give you the lisences.
Screw that, vocher code sent to Ikea and brazilian dude, gratz to you! Lol, you made great skins, I am proud. Now I go watch porn and sleep, and probally won't remember this tomorrow!