Maybe I should upgrade...
motherboard: epox-8kha+ (green...)
cpu: Athlon XP 1600+ (heater)
mem: 512 ddram (megabytes...)
graphics: gef 3 ti500 (makes the colors...)
hdd: 120 GB samsung (full of por... lfs goodies)
optics: liteon 24x10x40 (the noise is unbearable, well like me too)
soundcard: SB audigy (so this is where all the noise is from. Not all...)
monitor: Samsung 19" 957p flat (if 50 cm is flat...)
keyboard: Logitech (basic like me)
mouse: Logitech optic (has red laser...light)
wheel: microsoft precision steering wheel (that's prehistoric)
net: 512/256 (in/out)
but im determined to buy new system before 2012

EDIT: Upgraded to:
motherboard: MSI K8N-NEO FI (still green...)
cpu: Athlon 64 3500+ (heater)
mem: 2x 512 ddram (one big gigabyte)
graphics: gef 7800 GT (moves the pixels)
hdd: 160 GB WD sata150 (full of lfs
optics: NEC 4540 (?) (not so noisy, me noisy still though)
soundcard: integrated (to the motherboard...)
monitor: Samsung 19" 957p flat (if 50 cm is flat...)
keyboard: Logitech (basic like me, still)
mouse: Logitech optic (has red laser...light, still working)
wheel: microsoft precision steering wheel (found at archeological digging site, inside the mouth of a T-REX)
net: 512/256 (out/in)
So next update going to be in 2024 then :spin: