The online racing simulator

Poll : When?

Closed since :
27th of June
6th of June
13th of June
#351 - Kaw
#353 - Kaw
What are we doing after the karting? :P
Quote from Kaw :yeah, freaking annoying!
crappy country, plus, you pay for using the toilet! San Fair my ass!

Ya, I was in a hurry to the toilet (petrol station on the autobahn), then I found a gate in front of the toilet, let me through if I paid... I was like "WTF?!", I had no money with me, I had to run back to the car to get some. Man I almost jizzed in. Crazy Germanlanderz.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Ya, I was in a hurry to the toilet (petrol station on the autobahn), then I found a gate in front of the toilet and asked for some money, I was like "WTF?!", I had no money with me, I had to run back to the car to get some. Man I almost jizzed in. Crazy Germanlanderz.

I'd say: Sie haben schon mein Großvater's Fahrrad ja!

Note to Germans: It's a Dutch joke
Just a quick question Erik

Can you give a schedule of the afternoon/evening?

In post one it says: 17.30.

And is that the time where the qualifying will start, or is it the reception time and qualifying will start later (18.00)? Race 18.30 and food somewhere later?

If there are people I need to pickup I need a bit more info
17.30 uur: Ontvangst in à La Kart Café
18.00 uur: Kwalificatie training (20 minuten) (30 personen)
19.00 uur: Race (25 minuten) (30 personen)
It would also be a good idea to wear your LFS-shirts . If you don't have one, order it at
may i just wear normal clothes?
Ofcourse But it depends on what you call normal :o
#362 - Kaw
can I wear my party gimp costume?
Quote from Kaw :can I wear my party gimp costume?

I thought you'd only wear it for me, on special occasions

Quote :Erik Jan,

Graag ontvang ik uiterlijk donderdag 25 juni het definitief aantal personen voor het kartarrangement van zaterdag a.s.

Met sportieve groeten,
Erna van den Biggelaar
+31 6 555 45 45 7

Translated: I would like to know the final amount of people attending the kartingevent on coming saturday, before thursday the 25th of June.
I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to make it on Saturday. It had slipped my mind until now that my current housing lease runs out at the end of June. I'll have to be here in order to move my stuff out and clean the house.

MarcG also won't be coming, as he can't really afford it and was mainly coming so that I could get a lift.

I'm very sorry to do this - I did plan to come (I actually bought plane tickets already), but it's just not practical for me anymore.
That's a shame. But if you really can't be there, you can't be there So I'll remove you from the list.
Quote from hrtburnout :That's a shame. But if you really can't be there, you can't be there So I'll remove you from the list.

Thanks for your understanding .

I hope it'll be a good day for those of you who are going!
It will be great fun, but I'd like some more participants tbh.
Quote from hrtburnout :It will be great fun, but I'd like some more participants tbh.

Yeah i hope it won't become a problem for the track which is hosting this, maybe we will have to get into the regular heats, alltho it will still be good fun i reckon.
I have decided to stop with Karting. After 9 years it had been fun and nice to do but I'm moving house so my dad won't support me anymore.
By that I also cancel my entry for this event.
Sorry Erik.
Quote from Vinnylegends :Guys.
I have something for you guys to have a good laugh about.
I have decided to stop with Karting. After 9 years it had been fun and nice to do but I'm moving house so my dad won't support me anymore.
By that I also cancel my entry for this event.
Sorry Erik.

Zou already did acording to eric
oh come on vinny, you're the only reason kasper and me are going all the kilometres!

on a more serious note: a bit sad to see some people I'd really have liked to meet drop out. it's a shame
still, we are going to have fun, eh erik?

Aww Vinny, come one

@Erik: Do i have to transfer the money to you or is it cash? And is there already a schedule for picking up people?
Sorry guys but my dad wont pay it for me anymore since he does not support karting anymore. Unless you guys pay for me I can come but that ain't gonna happen.
My dad doesn't pay me either.