The online racing simulator
Noob Here ^^
(12 posts, started )
#1 - Klash
Noob Here ^^
i've just started this game literally a week ago, as a friend got me into it

i've been playing literally non stop ^^, but i keep on getting shunted at first corner and lose control easily, (probably be my nooby driving skills!)

im just wondering if you could give me any tips or something.. ive got a setup from one of them setup sites and pretty much have one of the fast cars on the server but i just cant seem to get the hang of it!

Yup it would most likely be your skills.


Perhaps post a replay of your driving so we can see? As a general tip, be smooth... this is a simulation, you have to be smooth with your inputs or you'll lose control.. do you use a wheel or a keyboard/mouse?
I wouldn't mess with setups yet. Get to a point where you're lapping consistently with stock setups and then you can focus on fine-tuning. Not to be kind of a jerk, but how do you expect to be fast with a twitchy setup if you're not fast in a default one?

I guess the biggest thing when learning a new car or track (or game) is be a conservative braker... brake about 20% earlier and a little bit lighter and focus on making the actual corner nice, then start walking your braking point in. You're never gonna perfect a corner if you enter it sideways with locked tires!
#4 - Klash
the video
thanks for the posts ^^

here it is, bit nooby i guess but hey
Attached files
Mikey_BL1_XFG.spr - 46.2 KB - 183 views
Are you using a wheel? It looks like you're using a keyboard to me.

Anyway, yeah just calm the corners down a bit. Brake earlier and focus on actually making the corner first. Also, when you make a big mistake like that, don't just keep turning the wheel. If anything, that will just make it worse most of the time. Focus on getting the car slowed down. On the last corner when you turned in at 60 MPH for the hairpin, that was totally savable if you just use the brake a little bit and be smooth with the wheel.
#6 - Klash
im actually using mouse ,
im planning on buying a wheel (dunno which one to buy though) then S2 but im skint atm haha.

yeah i see what you mean.. after looking back at it i knew where i was going wrong! just the matter of correcting it is the problem as im a last minute braker.

thanks once again
You can get a Logitech Driving Force GT on Ebay for about 60 quid with shipping. Totally worth it. Great wheel bar none, but an even better starter wheel (says PS3 but you can use it on PC with official drivers).
#8 - Klash
i was thinking of buying that wheel, but didnt know if it was good or not, we should meet up on track sometime and you could give me a tutorial or something? ^^ hahaha
Driving Force
this is a good wheel, you should buy it.
Your mouse seems to be too sensitive.
Slow it down in "Windows Control Panel => Mouse". Then try to steer smoothly.

BTW, you're not a noob at all. You're just starting, and you're already on the right track. 

Have fun !
Thanks Keling, its working a treat!

shaved a couple of second of to 1.40 pb!

good be better but i cant seem to get hang of t1 and t3 .. need more practise!

Only problem with steering wheel i have a small bedroom, and dont really have enough room for pedals but i might give it a go
You can go into the sand a bit at T3. it's OK, even in hotlapping.

Noob Here ^^
(12 posts, started )