The online racing simulator
Do times from Saturday roll into Sunday? Or do we start from a new sheet with pole already set?
Quote from PMD9409 :Do times from Saturday roll into Sunday? Or do we start from a new sheet with pole already set?

Times roll over.

If you Set one Saturday, but do not snow up on Sunday, your Saturday time still stands.

Quote :If you wave off an attempt prior to completion, your qualifying time reverts back to the previous completed attempt. Once an attempt is completed, it overrides previous attempts, regardless of better or worse.

I'm not sure I understand this. I haven't seen any qualify session from Indy500.
Does it mean that if I reach, let's say 37.00, which is a pretty good time, but I know I can do maybe a one or two hundreds better it would be risky to try again? I might get a slower time in the other following attempts.
Did I understand this right? Also, does this go if I set a for me good time on Saturday it would be risky to try another attempt at the bump day?
Quote from Cawwa :I'm not sure I understand this. I haven't seen any qualify session from Indy500.
Does it mean that if I reach, let's say 37.00, which is a pretty good time, but I know I can do maybe a one or two hundreds better it would be risky to try again? I might get a slower time in the other following attempts.
Did I understand this right? Also, does this go if I set a for me good time on Saturday it would be risky to try another attempt at the bump day?

Yeah, that's the risk you take. It's part of it, part of the spectacle.

If you're in the top 15, you might be fairly secure. If you're on/near "The Bubble", the risk may be worth it.

Quote from dekojester :

If you're in the top 15, you might be fairly secure. If you're on/near "The Bubble", the risk may be worth it.


Or might secure your doom if your slower

Never thought Indy qualifying was so intense :o
Just curious if there will be somewhere we can look at to monitor the times?
Quote from AstroBoy :Just curious if there will be somewhere we can look at to monitor the times?

I've posted a link in the OP to the Google Spreadsheet I'm using.

Also, server has been rebooted and is set in practice mode, and will remain that way through end of qualifying. Please use the qualifying password now. Anyone who gives out the password to anyone may incur penalty. Only those on the Entry List will be permitted to participate in the sessions.

This is literally the biggest event I've ever participated throughout my entire LFS career. I'm so excited

Good luck at quali tomorrow everyone
goodluck everyone!
Thank you for clearifying my worst nightmare deko ...

I keep get questions about broadcasting for the qualy event. There is none (except the spreadsheet)?
The field is almost halfway full today. Some good runs so far. Pressure starting to build slowly. Bumping may start today. Pole will still be open today even if bumping starts.

JeffyG (Jeff Garry from FM) on Provisional Pole right now with four straight 36.96's. 25 cars in grid, nearing starting bumping process

Again, a good luck to all, it's amazing so far. Pressure starting to build.

36.9925, up to 9th from 20th.
I did nice 36.97, it raised me much higher.
Quli results from pole day carry over to Bump day dont they?
Quote from dekojester :Hello racers !

It's almost time for qualifying....

If you cannot make it for any reason during either of these two windows, please let me know via PM ONLY, BEFORE the CONCLUSION OF BUMP DAY. If you do this, "I will be willing to offer you a private run between Monday and Wednesday" before the race. I prefer not to do this, however. Please try to make it if possible on one or both of those two days.


I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, but I (and any other driver qualifying the Kyoto 500) should have the right to spectate and witness these 'private sessions', correct? Afterall, as one of the racers, I feel a ton of pressure on my shoulders having to run my qualifying session in front of 35 other people. I believe that these people should also feel the pressure.

Also, are we allowed to 'bump' these people should we feel that we could do better? I guess I'm a bit confused because the qualifying session is a race in itself. Afterall, during qualifying day, we are all racing against each other to make the best time. How can can we race against people who are not there?

I would like to be a witness to these sessions. Please post time and date that they will occur so those who choose, can be there. Afterall, During the Indy500 qualifying, they don't make special days for those that can't make it... either you're in, or not... simple.

Looks like the rulebook needs tweaking a bit, huh?
Quote from Skydiver173 :Deko,

I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, but I (and any other driver qualifying the Kyoto 500) should have the right to spectate and witness these 'private sessions', correct? Afterall, as one of the racers, I feel a ton of pressure on my shoulders having to run my qualifying session in front of 35 other people. I believe that these people should also feel the pressure.

Also, are we allows to 'bump' these people should we feel that we could do better? I guess I'm and confused because the qualifying session is a race in itself. Afterall, during qualifying day, we are all racing against each other to make the best time. How can can we race against people who are not there?

I would like to be a witness to these sessions. Please post time and date that they will occur so those who choose, can be there. Afterall, During the Indy500 qualifying, they don't make special days for those that can't make it... either you're in, or not... simple.

Looks like the rulebook needs tweaking a bit, huh?

I agree.

But personally I would like to take this one step further. You either qualify on the days assigned for it or you don't qualify at all. If you can't even be bothered to show up for the 2 days (4 blocks in total) that are supplied by the organizers... should you even bother at all?

The format for this qualy is obvious and it is supposed to be a race. I see no other way to join then to join when it is on. Anyone not able to show up on these two days cannot mix into the order that is established on these two days. They should only be allowed to race when there are still slots open and from the back...

[ducks for projectiles thrown his way...]
Pole Day Complete. Results will be checked for accuracy and posted a bit later.

Wow, the gap from 30th to 1st is absolutely mind boggling. 30th is just .06 slower than the pole
Quote from h3adbang3r :Wow, the gap from 30th to 1st is absolutely mind boggling. 30th is just .06 slower than the pole

Indeed. And not everyone showed up yet. It might be even be tighter after bump day tomorrow.
Attached is the PDF printout of the Results after Pole Day, which are Official.

Dan Sanger (Raven88) is the Polesitter for the 2nd Annual Kyoto 500, with his great run. Jeff Garry is currently second, and will be hoping to say near the top tommorow's Bump Day.

Positions 2-30 are still up to change, so still plenty action for tommorow. Bumping began today, and 38 cars have taken times so far.

Currently "On The Bubble" is Thomas Vermeire (Willem-racer), with a 37.0225 average.

1st to 30th is currently separated by only .0625 seconds, so far the closest in the short history of this event.

Attached files
2009Kyoto500_PoleDayResults.pdf - 410.1 KB - 496 views
Quote from Ramses :I agree.

But personally I would like to take this one step further. You either qualify on the days assigned for it or you don't qualify at all. If you can't even be bothered to show up for the 2 days (4 blocks in total) that are supplied by the organizers... should you even bother at all?

The format for this qualy is obvious and it is supposed to be a race. I see no other way to join then to join when it is on. Anyone not able to show up on these two days cannot mix into the order that is established on these two days. They should only be allowed to race when there are still slots open and from the back...

[ducks for projectiles thrown his way...]

I quite agree with this sentiment. Indeed, for next year, you either get in via the 12 hours or you don't.

But, as a point of fact, only two people have so far commented to me about possibly needing a private session. Both are still attempting to make it during the real sessions. But I will post the times and dates when appropriate, if one is agreed upon. The password will be the same as the sessions this weekend, so those who want to, can join.

I dont know what to say !
I m really suprised with the times. Some of these guys on practice was not even close to time 37.00, now there have that times four times in the row
For me qualy iz over.
For me best times ever was 37.05 , and that is not enough to put even closer myself. Beacuse some of the fastes guys are left there qualy time to sunday I suppose there be some changes on today in the top 15.
Good luck to eweryone who quali themselwes to the race.