I better shouldn't tell here, what I am doing while driving on the straights...

There might be children around
I don't do straights
(Jakg) DELETED by Jakg
#28 - Gunn
I tell the twins it is time to swap sides.
Scratch my crotch
  • yell at the speedo, hoping i'll scare it higher.
  • hum the engine noise, see if i can match the frequency
  • if i am bored, try to wreck the drive train by clutching and going 5gears down or in reverse.
  • do a 180 turn and go backwards.

BTW, talking about food made me hungry.

PIPI AWAY!! illepall
hmm, long straight... let's take BL..

Everytime I leave the chicane I wander into a big forest. I see trees, birds, spiders dancing their zigzag little dance. A hippo is crossing my way in delightness, wondering how fast I can run. Hobbits and elves invite me to a party with beer, bread and fine smoking herbes. And just as I walk over the rich and soft green grass I realise.....

SHOOT! missed the turn again!
Quote from apenao :Man, you are either homosexual or very lucky.

Well, errrr even if you are homosexual I guess you are lucky.

Hey, cut it out! This thread is about straights, remember?

To answer the original question: a quick check to see if the kids are still asleep.
Can't think of anything humorous. I either slag off other racers by text, eat, check tyre temps/damage, open the window if I'm getting hot, adjust the blind, draw the curtains, open or shut the door, hmm, what else is in reach of my chair?

Sometimes I drive along the straight looking backwards, if I'm in an open top car with someone right behind me. Kinda like chicken. I started doing something similar on my pushbike, going down the hills with my eyes shut. I stopped though before I regretted it, with parked cars everywhere and my less than stellar sense of balance.

Quote from wsinda :Hey, cut it out! This thread is about straights, remember?

Check my hair in the mirror incase any spectators are watching my car whilst I race.
I forgot to mention that when I take my power nap, i put my car into a lean against another car on the straight... then when he turns my FF wheel turns and I wakeup to make the turn...
Quote from apenao :Man, you are either homosexual or very lucky.

Well, errrr even if you are homosexual I guess you are lucky.

Just Kidding :=)

Plz excuse my english

I don´t mean this kind of "friend" :P
but, mmmh, maybe I can ask my girlfriend for some action on the next straight
what am i doing on straights?

keep driving

no, seriously, always got huge amounts of icetea or coke bottles right beside me
Quote from Biohazard :what am i doing on straights?

keep driving

no, seriously, always got huge amounts of icetea or coke bottles right beside me

Same. I usually drink, or grab some chips or whatever else I'm snacking on. Maybe glance at my TV? If my TV is off, and I have nothing to drink or eat, I guess I just sit there and drive down the straight. My room's too big for me to reach over and mess with anything... Unless I want to superman-dive from my chair to my bed, which is hard, since it's 3 meters away.
I usually unzip my pants.
^^ Yell jumanji so the pink elephants disappear? It's just becky's car
Back in the demo, when racing GT/i, sometimes I set the wheel straight, and tabbed over to IRC (on 2nd monitor) and had a quick chat
make a roll up and smoke it but i usually try to light it in the corner and trying to steer with elbows is not recommended.

excellent thread
everyone knows you can steer with your knees
(Jakg) DELETED by Jakg
I press "B" like mad.

However, if I'm on the single-seaters, I press F3 which prints out "*honk honk*" to everybody.

Then I'm counting seconds for reactions like "STFU" or "<foo> blocked messages".
When S2 first came out, I ate my entire lunch whilst racing on the oval with the FO8, I actually placed second, too.

Now on the straights I munch from the box of Cheez-Its at my desk or look out the window to see if any cool cars pass by.

I've also done an entire race at Blackwood while talking on my moble, but that didn't work all that well.
Hey that's not hard. I could do that.

Anyway on the straights I usaully eat/drink the thing that is in front of me and the other day i dropped something and when I was on there I picked it back up again.
I wank.