I hate it when that happens too. I respected MJ for his contribution to the world of music, I don't particularly like what he did release (although thriller is a good song) but it is a sad, sad day
lol relax it is his opinion, that we all are entitled to one. what he meant was why do people not care about others, unless the person is famous, then they are like boo hooo, whether they like them or not, only because of that fame.
lol He wasn't being an ass, I totally understood what he meant. People should care regardless and it's f*cked up that they don't. That's what he didn't get.
I just think MJ was a great musician yes, but he was a threat to others including himself. Sane people do not do the things he did. Musical genius or not, has nothing to do with self control. It's a psychological issue. He had bad parents, and it was reflected all throughout his life, in the decisions he made.
I don't know the exact facts about the whole kids thing, but as we know tv likes to feed on superstars(and court said that he is innocent), but what is the most important for me that he was a legend, and he was my fav. musician in my childhood. When i hear MJ i immidiately connect it to my life when i was kid(and those are v.good memories). His death is like part of my childhood dying O.o....
It's not quite as simple as that. Yes it is sad when a forum member's granny/dog/goldfish dies but it's something personal and doesn't need to be posted on a public forum. With an international superstar like MJ the news of his coma/death travelled around the world in about ten minutes. The amount of people he affected with his music is huge, so a massive outpouring of public grief is virtually guaranteed. With the case of S14's dog, it is not a world famous superstar singer, and it's death should have been dealt with in private.
if you're that convinced he was guilty, may I ask where you were on the jury? Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Quit regurgitating the Daily Mail in my face
Who cares, Wacko Jacko, big deal, he was a prev. The best thing to come out of today, Farrah Died, at least she will steal his thunder. MJ rot, you died by overdose or someone finally caught up to you yah prevert, Farrah on the other hand died through a life of "Just Trying"
lol relaxxx all I mean to say is that I see where his point of view was, and I agree 100% A life is a life, no more or less important than any other. The things we choose to do in life do not make it any more or less of value although it feels that way.
We are all equal, despite what other's or say or religion teaches, life is life period. The only difference is some are more favored then others, but it doesn't make life any more or less of value, it is still the same.
If you think that anyone is better or worse, that's not good, we are no better then any other person out there in the world. They may have more money, does that make them better then us? They may have no money and sleep on a bench, does that make us better then them? To me it doesn't mean anything other then they have chosen to put themselves in that situation, it doesn't make their life any less of value.
I don't know how I can convey that idea to people in a way without sounding the way it does, but it always comes up and it always makes me feel sad. You shouldn't have to be important or famous for other's to care about you, they should care about life as a whole. Sometimes people forget that other's lives are just as valid as their own, which I respect, and always try to show them that. lol
Sorry if it seems like we are being mean towards someone you care about, it is not that at all ok, put it to you this way, they don't care even though he is famous, at least they are being honest, instead of hating him when he was here, then all sad now that he is gone. People should pick 1 feeling and stick by it. I hate the fakeness of that.
btw, it was not his dog, lol he just used it as an example K so no worries. Your opinion is just as important to me as mine is, just as his is, and everyone else on here, no more or less. Only people like Charles Manson idgaf about, I'd kick his ass if I had the chance.
The amount of children's virginity he affected was huge as well. He hasn't released any decent songs since "Rock my world" back in like 2004 or whenever, all he does is sing old songs. Simply put, no-one GENUINELY cares about Michael Jackson apart from people old enough to remember Thriller. And you aren't.
Mookie he was cleared of charges in court yeah, but the kids that he scarred emotionally are the ones that have to deal with that for the rest of their lives. I think that's the kid's parent's fault. They were aware of the situation and still allowed their kids to be put into it.
If I was a parent and MJ offered to babysit my kids, I'd politely say no thanks. I would never put kids I may have some day in the hands of someone even suspected of what he was accused of being. That's just asking for trouble, but those parent's only saw "oh it's MJ, he's famous, we can trust him" instead of what they should have seen "No, I will never endanger my kid by leaving them with someone I do not personally know and trust" regardless of fame.
lol bose I will be sad yeah, but my point was that the bum's life (lol ironic I call my dad a bum all the time hahahaaa), and my mom's life are no more or less important, some are just favored more.
lol I am a very unbiased person, I try not to let what others tell me, or what outside sources lead me to believe affect my decisions, it is hard at times yeah, but I look @ the facts, and then make a decision based on the facts, although at the same time, I'd try to see things from every angle possible so I can more easily relate to others. lol
Too many people see things how they want to see it, I try to see it from everyone's pov. It also gives me a better understanding that way too.
Yah messed up. Listen you're probably a fan of his (seems right) so you saying...wtf you saying. I don't need this xrap from some young dip Sh*t ...let me get this straight...you'd leave MJ with your kid?
I object to this abuse, have some respect, we were here making LFS and the forums what it is today long before you came along.
You want a piece of me, get a good skin and helmet, jump in a car and i'll meet you and trash you on any track...got it. MJ was a PREV...he was an
addict..he overdosed..pity is not for him...I wouldn't be surprized to learn this new tour he had was well insured and they killed him
I had him in the death pool, he's the same age as me ( off by 2 months). next to go is Courtney Love.
lol it's true though, honestly only someone who is truly unbiased can say that. I would not let the fact that someone is a celebrity sway my choice on something. I would make choices based on each situation, and do what I think is best for all parties involved.
If I knew that Paris Hilton was a car thief and she asked to borrow it to go to the store, I'd say "Hope you got comfy walkin shoes cause that's a hell no".
I won't lie, I love Captain EO, I gaffled like 5 pairs of those glasses too I swear I never bought the CD it was a gift... ummmm... from me to me...
lol check out the youtube people were posting like once a week, and then about an hourr ago it jumped like 62597562956 hits and comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AstW05bDiQU
see, nobody cared when he was alive like S14 said, that is so f*cked up... I added captain EO to my imeem like months ago... so sad.
lawlz see thats exactly my point bro , I wouldnt drive her just because she's paris hilton lmao, I am that unbiased, I would let her walk, now she doesn't have to pay me a million bucks but I would drive her if she bought me a bag of gummy bears or something. That would be a fair trade.