(92 posts, started )
The latest patch has helped smooth out performance for some people. Reading up on the forum, it seems to me that the game is CPU limited rather than GPU, so looking at overclocking or upgrading your CPU may be a smart option. Having said that, oddly those with really fast machines (overclocked i7 etc) are still having troubles.

I was looking at newer gfx cards (was thinking about getting a gtx 275) but I think I'll give the demo a spin first and see what happens. I need more cooling on my Q6600 anyway, with the store bought overclock of 3GHz I'm finding that my temps are going into the 80c mark at load, and that doesn't sound good to me
i had to modify the config which is the options of the game. every game has an options section. nothing has been modded. my issue was that i had 8bg of ram and a dodgy gpu driver.

just wait til the addons community start making stuff.
Im defoo gonna get this game, i just need to update my system first

I could play Arma into the early hours of the morning with my mates on Evolution Blue
ATC tend to make their own Co=op missions. i'm curently working on a mission for our lan party.
Got Arma 2 yesterday along with a TrackIR, the atmosphere of OFP/Arma is something no other military game is able to beat yet. The feeling of being one single soldier in a huge war is something I've always liked. One-man-army games like COD are just too hollywoody for my taste.

It does need a couple more patches to get the worst bugs sorted (some of them are driving me mad in SP campaign) but it's already darn fun to coop with friends.
So, the demo took 3 1/2 hrs to download, and i instantly got an error after installing, so had to download the 9c x redistribution thing to get it going.

And, much to my surprise, it does play on my machine, and, it plays it rather well too. I just kept it at the default settings it gave me, but it still looks really really good, and is a darn sight smoother than Arma1 ever was. On first impressions (albeit brief ones) the control system is much much better, nowhere near as clunky as Arma 1. The enemy no longer have heat seeking bullets, the maps are excellent and the environment is much more realistic and characterful. There are a few shading bugs, and i'd like to get rid of that motion blur and tone down some of the bloom. But Initial impressions are very favourable.

Matti, you should try the demo. My CPU is an Intel E6300 running at stock 1.86mhz. Dunno how that compares to yours, but although i'm not able to put a number on the FPS, they're easily good enough to play with. My GFX (ATI 4850) was running a tad hot and the fan was kicking in and out, but it's a warm evening with no breeze, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I definitely think the full game is worth getting, and it can only get better from here on in.
Quote from Mazz4200 :

Matti, you should try the demo. My CPU is an Intel E6300 running at stock 1.86mhz. Dunno how that compares to yours, but although i'm not able to put a number on the FPS, they're easily good enough to play with. My GFX (ATI 4850) was running a tad hot and the fan was kicking in and out, but it's a warm evening with no breeze, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Dowloaded and gave just a small try, and it does run pretty well. I was afraid that the huge 1920x1200 resolution my monitor prefers would bog it down, but it does run smooth. Got to try how high I can set the graphics setting, but it doesn't look that bad how it is.

I guess it takes a bit time to get used to the controls, but the first feeling is being disabled guy with amputated hands, especially at point blank range. But I got to give it a proper go tomorrow and adjust the controls a bit. And that motion blur is a bit confusing, you can't really see much while running, which is a bit silly.
Quote from Blackout :I guess it takes a bit time to get used to the controls, but the first feeling is being disabled guy with amputated hands, especially at point blank range. But I got to give it a proper go tomorrow and adjust the controls a bit. And that motion blur is a bit confusing, you can't really see much while running, which is a bit silly.

As far as i can tell they're exactly the same controls as Arma 1, so i'm used to it now and it's almost second nature. Guess they are a bit odd if they're new to you. But seeing as you're a professionally trained killer now, i guess you'll get the hang of it

Apparently you can turn off the motion blur and the bloom, but i'll have to check the BI Forums to find out how to do it, + find out the best settings for performance over prettyness...
some of my posts have been deleted......what's going on??
Quote from dadge :some of my posts have been deleted......what's going on??

Dunno ? What did you say ?

Anyway, just done the benchmark mission/test and i'm averaging 33 fps, so i'm pretty pleased, wasn't expecting anywhere near that figure with my humble little system.

If anyone's interested, the motion blur can be turned off by disabling post effects (or whatever it's called, reduces the bloom too). And the head-bob can be turned off in the games menu too.

That first mission's quite good actually, and there's a mini warefare mission in it to, as well as the editor. All in all there's quite a lot in this demo, should keep you going for a while.
I'm also surprised how well the demo's running after all the horror stories and depressing graphics benchmarks floating around the net. I'm running max texture settings, full AF and low AA @1920 x 1200... decided normal settings work best for everything else. Also turned off all post processing (personal preference as much as anything)- the game runs smooth and looks fantastic. Just running around with your squad feels great.. the countryside has a really solid feel about it- perfect setting to play soldiers in.

I was slightly put of by some bad voice acting at the start of the first mission (inside the chopper). It sounds like they recorded the guy on the first run through of his lines, it's pretty bad Then when the soldiers started jabbering in their robot voices I became really turned off. After a while though the strange syntheticness wears off and is much less noticeable. I wonder if there are any mods out there which try to improve the voices?

Overall I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this
Downloaded the demo and installed it.

It's not bad, but I would really hope for better FPS. I have 9800GTX+ and AMD X2 6000+ running at 3.2GHz and 2gigs of memory, so I think these specs are fairly similar to the recommended ones.
FPS seems to be in the area of 20 to 30 and changing graphics options doesn't seem to have much of a effect or if at all to the FPS.
Graphics aren't that stunning either.

But the most annoying thing is the horrid mouse lag, how is lag like this even possible. I move my mouse and then like third of a second later it actually happens in game.

I haven't yet decided if this game feels good or bad.
Sorted! Anyone who has mouselag problems and owns an Nvidia card, set the "Maximum pre rendered frames" to 0. Mouselag is a gonner for me now.

Now this game starts to feel quite good actually. I'm able to use nice combination of high and normal settings, game looks quite decent and the FPS is nice and solid 30.
Sorry if this seems like spamming, but...

Weird thing is that the game seems to run ok in SP, but when I go to MP the FPS drops to half and the mouselag is back. It's basically unplayable. In 15 minutes of testing and trying to get playing in some server the game already has crashed and got stuck to the loading screen once.

If the MP is gonna be like this I'm not gonna buy this game that's a fact.
It's just yer regular shitty code. The lower your FPS, the bigger the mouse lag.
Well yea, but why the hell the FPS drops to half in MP? It should be as high as in the SP.

And the game crashed again.
Quote from BigPeBe :Well yea, but why the hell the FPS drops to half in MP? It should be as high as in the SP.

And the game crashed again.

Hard to tell, my FPS was the same as in SP, although there wasn't that many people in the game.

The demo has been surprisingly stable for me, only crash I've had was probably because my graphics card overheated.
Quote from BigPeBe :Well yea, but why the hell the FPS drops to half in MP? It should be as high as in the SP.

just like in OFP and Arma 1 the mp settings are reduced so that people with less powerful systems can play. i make missions and i place a trigger down with this in the activation feild "this setviewdistance 5000;"(mp default drawdistance is 1000m) and that usually helps. but this "feature" is not unknown and has been around since the beginning.
Quote from BigPeBe :Sorted! Anyone who has mouselag problems and owns an Nvidia card, set the "Maximum pre rendered frames" to 0. Mouselag is a gonner for me now.

Now this game starts to feel quite good actually. I'm able to use nice combination of high and normal settings, game looks quite good and the FPS is nice and solid 30.

where do you do this?

edit: nevermind, i done it.

it still seems to lag tho, only a tiny but as its MUCH better.. but i cant help thinking that OFP is going to be as poorly optimised... i hope
control options?

we should organise a LFS COOP mission
Quote from R3DMAN :where do you do this?

If you go into Nvidia Control Panel, Then go to 3d Settings - Manage 3d Settings, then go to global settings, and then Maxium pre-rendered frames (3), change it there i believe
Ah it seems that it doesn't matter, MP or SP the FPS does suck.
I just didn't think so because I didn't put much AI players in the editor.

If there is other player models visible the FPS just drops massively, can't understand why. It's not like the models are very high poly or anything.

This FPS drop also doesn't seem to have anything to do with the AI working, because if I turn my head so I can't see the AI players doing their stuff the FPS goes up again.

And it doesn't matter, low or high graphics settings it just does the same.

This game is crap.

I hope the OFP2 is going to be better.
I downloaded it off of steam, love it.

Downloading it from steam works well.

(92 posts, started )