You seem to care a great deal about the game, for someone that posts several times in the thread. Your posts makes up a large percentage of this thread.
To me... your problems seem like operater error to me. If you would gladly post your problems with what you have tried and haven't... I'd gladly help.
Post your system down to the last detail, such as driver, operating system and etc..
I noticed a somewhat difference between low and high settings on the graphics. I didn't notice that if you put "other player models" in the game there was a massive FPS drop.
Hope this helps.
Another pointer, turn FRAPS off... try playing the game by visuals see if it's unplayable.... just because it drops to 20 fps doesn't mean the game is rendered unplayable.
I already downloaded newest NVidia drivers and DirectX, but haven't yet bothered to install because I doubt it will have an real effect and been playing other games. Current Nvidia driver is 182.08.
In NVidia control panel I have made own profile for ArmA 2. It lets the game decide the AA & AF settings. No multisampling. Vsync is forced off. Maximum pre-rendered frames is set to zero. Negative LOD bias is clamp. Texture filtering quality is at performance.
Currently the settings in-game are medium, with the exeption of AA as high and post processing effects at low or disabled, can't remember wich. Resolution is 1400x1050 (my screen's native resolution). I also tried to lower the resolution but didn't really have an effect.
At low settings it still isn't that good performance wise, but it also looks so horrid that I can't stand to look at it.
That's pretty much all info I can think about writing down currently.
I'm using the 186.18 drivers here, with no problems other than a rare slowdown in parts (seems to be related to memory, but resolves after a short while). I'm also finding that Arma runs better under Windows 7 (64 bit)- on a fresh install of the RC on a new partition the game is noticeably smoother than under Vista- but it's the only program I have running in 7 at the moment..
I'd suggest turning off all post processing, because even on low my framerate suffers with it on. The post processing seems only viable for taking screenshots.. on full the whole background gets blurred out making it almost impossible to see enemies in the distance- a totally non sensical effect. The great thing about having no post processing is you'll still get nice effects with it off. HDR effects still work well, the sky has a nice blooming effect when the sun goes behind clouds, you still get sun glare, and I'm pretty sure I've noticed a blurring effect when you get too close to an explosion. The post processing only seems to enhance in a negative way the effects which are already there.
I tried fiddling around with the settings, forced AF from NVidia (tried to force AA too, but it didn't work), set the texture filtering quality to high. Post processing was disabled.
Lowered the resolution
Just can't get decent FPS. Tried to go play on some server, but it's just not enjoyable in any way, the FPS was probably something like 10.
I'm maybe gonna try the different drivers tomorrow, but like I said I doubt it will help.
Like you said, there's no big difference in our hardware (I doubt if the difference is even that much). It just seems sometimes even people with similar HW can have huge differences in some games. Dunno why but it seems to be possible. These things can depend from the tiniest things.
It's not like my PC's performance isn't what it should, it runs other games (Crysis, GTA IV etc.) just fine but somehow ArmA seems to be disagreeing with something on my system. Quite annoying...
I also have always been encountering problems with the stability of NVidia drivers (crashing, getting stuck, BSOD's etc.) and some people can't even believe it's possible to crash NVidia driver.
ive been waiting a while for this. anyone in Aus found it in the shops yet? i dont wanna get it on steam cause steam sux.
Arma was one of the best games ive played and defintely the most fun ive ever had online. Nothing beats having a team of 20 to 50 guys split into squads of 4 or 5 and everyone following a chain of command to complete an objective. It makes most online fps's look almost pathetic.
I was suggested to go to the old 178.24 drivers. Did that. Didn't help.
Ingame pretty much everything in low, 1024x768 resolution, no AA & AF, fps is better but it's still pretty horrible. I mean come on it even goes under 20 fps when something is happening and plus the game looks so horrible that I don't even want to play it.
That is really weird, your rig is more powerful than mine, but I can run it no problems with 1920x1200 with low AA&AF and medium/low graphic settings.
But yeash, not sold on the game yet. Don't have so much extra money to spare, so I'll wait for some updates and pick it up cheap from some bargain bin at 19 euros.
Main fault for me is the dumb AI team mates who just get killed all the time.
Have to agree with Blackout on this one. I think my PC is a slightly lower spec than his, but it runs the game with no problems at all, (WinXP, 1280x1024 with medium graphics, i.e default settings). So why you should be having such low fps's is very odd indeed.
Although, unlike Blackout, i'm not a miserly skinflint, and i did buy the game . But yeah, the AI are still as dumb as doorknobs and get shot at the first opportunity they find, which means i spend most of my time running round acting as medic. Only had time for a couple of missions, but apart from the AI's stupidity i'm quite impressed. If anything the full game runs even smoother than the demo, both the CPU and GFX card run at lower temps, so i would imagine with a bit of tweaking i could get some high graphics settings out of it
Bah right back at yer... I'm a middle aged, middle class Englishman living slap-bang in the centre of middle England, what the hell would i know about being cool
sorry for the uber bump but felt that making a new thread for an expansion pack wasn't worth it.
did anyone buy Operation Arrowhead? the game engine updates are really good. this time, it's set in a fictional country but we all know which country it's meant to be lol. the graphics are smoother and the ai are much better. they will even try to flank you. keeps you on your toes.
they have also released the BAF (British armed forces) addon today (in 25minutes )
the mp is really good too.
a while ago, ATC gAg, ATC Farnky500 and I were in a server (3para i think) playing the domination map. a shitload of us loaded up a convoy and drove to the first objective. we then went on to partol the first obective and had some really sweet gun fights. an enemy jet took out most of our heavy guns which evened the odds out.
it was a 2 hour patrol iirc.
some really intense moments and some long walks to put you off your guard.
i love artillery system both calling for and firing on. the field medic module is also great. you can now drag injured players to cover before healing them. if the enemy is overpowered, they will also surrender. had the Arrowhead standalone on sale couple of weeks ago so I pulled the trigger. And doubletapped for a Radeon 5770 to run the bastard. Haven't had any time to install or try it though. Damn house renovation.
Armas is little like LFS, it's getting better after every patch/expansionpack and is relative easy to get start, but almost impossible to master. Only two games that are worth of my time. Mostly done Arma lately, but I guess that will change again when next LFS patch is out
Anyway if anybody wants to find some laid back co-op gaming, please check out our arma2 server "JTF-2 Combined Arms Co-op" and website. It's more mature (all members >30) kind of server nothing too serius, but we do try to plan before act and follow leaders orders