Haha, please do Becky, I felt old with all them youngsters
Seriously though, since there are no "war"stories yet I'll give a quick recap on my experience on track.
Qualifying was going well and Erik had the quickest lap. At one point he was gaining very quickly on me and after he passed me I was able to hang on and could see my laptimes improve. Erik was the only one driving a 1:03 lap during qualifying whiich was very good. The lap record for those karts was a 1:01.9 or something and for our first experience on the track we were doing very well. (We saw a paper of another group and their quickest was 1:05.8)
Anyway just after qualifying Mount apeared after having walked all the way from the trainstation. Luckily he was allowed to get some laps in as well.
Grid was Erik first, me second, Kaw 3rd and Sebastian 4th, then ChristijaNL, ChrisUU01 and Mount I think.
My start was excellent and I was immediately able to head for the number one spot. That is unfortunately untill the first hairpin and braking point.
It was a hairpin right turn and I thought let's block the inner line. Erik right behind me and as I hit the brakes Erik apparently didn't and we both flew off, like your regular T1 pileup. I was just laughing and laughing

We both got back on track with sand on our tires but Erik had a small lead on me there.
Anyway the chase was on to get back into the race as we could see the others disappear in the distance. It was a 25 minute race so we should be able to get back into the pack.
At first Erik was quite a bit quicker then me and was able to regain the lost ground very quickly and was starting to pick up while I saw Kaw and Sebastian in a very tight battle for 1st place. Seemed like a lot of fun.
When we started picking up again there were a couple of incidents, like when I was catching up to ChristijaNL he made a little mistake exiting the first hairpin and all of a sudden lost a bit of speed where I bumped into him, because I couldn't avoid him anymore. No real harm done I hope (like a whiplash) and he let me pass after that sensing I was very willing to pass him, which of course was true, but I'm still sorry about it
Then somewhere after corner 5 and turning into corner 6 there was a lot of dust and Mount was facing the wrong way. As an evading action Sebastian had had to put his kart on the grass and actually performed a jump... without proper suspension that is not a good idea btw... I could pass for third position, but unfortunatily his kart was damaged a bit and kept sliding, so he was no longer able to put in fast times.
Now the difference between me and Kaw probably was about 40 meters and 25 to Erik. Then there were a lot of laps just getting fast laps and while Erik was starting to overtake Kaw little by little I was getting closer and closer to Erik. It was a bit like edging closer but never close enough and that was lap after lap. Cool stuff.
It was good fun and speedwise we were all very close. Then Mount got lapped by Kaw and Eric just at the finish line and I had to pick my overtake in the first hairpin. Mount went on the outside racing line so I had to take the inner line. I hit the brakes and the next thing I knew I was sliding backwards to the grass.
Mental note to self: Braking on the dirty side equals slippery bastard.
Unfortunately I lost the ability right there to get involved in the struggly for place 1, because I could see Kaw and Erik really battling it out. It took a while but then I saw Erik take what I thought was a definitive lead. So when I finished 3rd I was very surprised to see Kaw putting up his arms as the winner on the glory lap.
Apparently Erik had been busy looking backwards and in one of the last corners made a mistake where Kaw could actually pass him on the last corner+straight. All in all a brilliant end to a nutter of a race