The online racing simulator
Peel P50...
Quote from spyxter :What would you know if you only played demo?.. Get the license, play some S2 and then talk.

Well some people have sutch thing as Imagination and sence....
BTW why are Demo players being treated here like some Hobos, that can't do anything good and do only harm?
Because that's the general demographic/stereotype of demo users.
Quote from kristis917 :BTW why are Demo players being treated here like some Hobos, that can't do anything good and do only harm?

totally agree

Quote from WSR :Because that's the general demographic/stereotype of demo users.

I would like to see some older cars from 1900-2000. Not that old, but those were great cars.

My favorite is Volkswagen Golf III VR6 and i think it would be great in LFS...
i am still sticking to my want for something like a 1993 dodge ram-charger. my dad drives one, and he was braking a little harder than average and he turned a little bit, and the tires managed to squeal. this car would MAJORLY rely on skill alone
Quote from kristis917 :Well some people have sutch thing as Imagination and sence....
BTW why are Demo players being treated here like some Hobos, that can't do anything good and do only harm?

Because thats the LFS forum....nothing good to say about anyone who isnt a full S2 Racer. Whether they be demo, S1 or S2 licensed cruisers. Always flaming, and enlarging their E-Penises.
o this is like in the middle ages huh?
class pyramide:
:crown: :trophy:S2 Racers
:trophy_si S2 Drifters
:trophy_brS2/S1 Cruisers
:twocents: Demos

Quote from Napalm Candy :I want the fastest street car.

Ferrari FXX

See in TOP GEAR ... UBTITULADO-del_690900.htm

Quote, and driving this monster cannot be easy at all
But that's the way we like it, no?

Any other not-so-easy-but-fun-to-drive car is welcome

EDIT: I actually can't think of a car not fun to drive, so..
Quote from kristis917 :o this is like in the middle ages huh?
class pyramide:
:crown: :trophy:S2 Racers
:trophy_si S2 Drifters
:trophy_brS2/S1 Cruisers
:twocents: Demos


I think it's not racism or something.. But in S2 servers (don't know about the forum yet) racers are far more pleasant to drive with: they are nice and very good, they respect the rules, and last but not least they don't complain to (or ban) you if they make mistakes near you.

Few demo racers are wreckers and boasters, but that's sufficient to get wrecked all the time, unless you are always +.100 from WR . I can't remember more than 5 good races in demo servers overall, always wrecked...

IMHO that's because S2 licensed drivers are more addicted to racing than general arcade gaming.
but in the forum when you post something
being as a demo they say stuff like:
"get S2 license first before you speak"
or pritty mutch the same
and how funny to them is to see
a driver on a cruise server
i ve seen one thread where s2 Racers Flamed so hard on the driver that went to cruise server.
Quote from Napalm Candy :I want the fastest street car.

Ferrari FXX

See in TOP GEAR ... UBTITULADO-del_690900.htm

no no no u are so wrong.The fastest street car is acually a car made by shelby superecars that goes 257mph(i forget name of it look it up cuz im to lazy).and no ,for those of you who think the bugatti veyron is the fastest street car u are USED to be and tops out at 253mph.
i believe it is the CCX or something like that
Wow.. okay first of all the CCX is a Koenigsegg which is Swedish, the Shelby he is probably referring to isn't a Shelby, it's a Saleen S7 twin turbo (I'm guessing)
By the way, an FXX makes 50 more horsepower (then again it is a V12), and also weighs a quarter ton less than the Saleen.
Oh one other thing, the FXX isn't a production car, only 20 were/will be made, and they aren't street legal either.

The CCXR is the fastest production (is it production?) street legal car being made, it has 1018 bhp, Veyron only has 1001, but the CCXR also weighs an astounding 1.5 tons LESS.. shows how much crap they have loaded into the Veyron..

All Shelby really makes these days are modified Mustangs for outrageous prices.

I think I would like to see the end of S2 first :/

Since we are all in agreement here.. why not just settle for a "supercar" period?

Better yet, how 'bout that Scirocco!
Quote from XCNuse :Wow.. okay first of all the CCX is a Koenigsegg which is Swedish, the Shelby he is probably referring to isn't a Shelby, it's a Saleen S7 twin turbo (I'm guessing)
By the way, an FXX makes 50 more horsepower (then again it is a V12), and also weighs a quarter ton less than the Saleen.
Oh one other thing, the FXX isn't a production car, only 20 were/will be made, and they aren't street legal either.

The CCXR is the fastest production (is it production?) street legal car being made, it has 1018 bhp, Veyron only has 1001, but the CCXR also weighs an astounding 1.5 tons LESS.. shows how much crap they have loaded into the Veyron..

All Shelby really makes these days are modified Mustangs for outrageous prices.

I think I would like to see the end of S2 first :/

Since we are all in agreement here.. why not just settle for a "supercar" period?

Better yet, how 'bout that Scirocco!

It IS a shelby, it is actually called SSC Ultimate aero (SSC > Shelby Super Cars)

It kicks out 1287 bhp @ 6075 rpm from a 6.3L Twin turbo V8.

Some specs:
0-60 mph: 2.78 seconds
1/4 Mile: 9.90 seconds at 144 mph
Top Speed: 257.41 MPH / Official Average: 256.15 MPH

AFAIK it also has the record for highest speed in slalom.

Its cause you haven't bloody paid for the game
We need beautiful cars too! Maserati Granturismo :lovies: Prettiest car I have ever seen.
It's not really a race car, although it does come in a sports version.. But it's heavy and has an automatic gearbox. Still SO pretty
Edit: YAY the Granturismo S has paddle shift also :P And is a bit lighter.
I'd like to see some rally cars (not rally-cross but full on Rally America/WRC cars and tracks)
about the ssc... one of the test drivers has said that there are some problems


wheelspin at 200mph
Quote from pärtan :+1

for the love of god, no.


just... no

wtf are you thinking?

if you're into that sort of thing, go play ReVolt or something
I want this beauty

Sorry if someon put the same car
Quote from george_tsiros :for the love of god, no.


just... no

wtf are you thinking?

if you're into that sort of thing, go play ReVolt or something

wtf is revolt?
can somone made a skin to me like an white car with an red stripe over hole the car?

to xrt

from mathiasmic

Cars we wanna see in S3
(4458 posts, started )