Hi all,
time to have some fun on a rally track again. Last years TDRT 4x4 Rallycup was a lot of fun so the decision was clear to repeat it. The layout is slightly changed from last year and includes a uphill sand track part. Become too slow at this part and you might find yourself stuck and your clutch will suffer a great deal.
Event 1:
Date: Sunday, 5th of July for S2 licenced racers only
S2 Server: TDRT Rally & Layout Server (with layout)
Time: 17.00 UTC
Format: 4x5 laps, no pit, no reset, pushcar
As the XRG is way off with this layout used ( 1,5 secs.) on this track the decision: Best XRG will advance to Event 2 as well.
Event 2:
Date: Sunday, 12th of July for 6 S2 plus 6 Demoracer
Demo Server: TDRT Danske Demo Racer (without layout)
Time: 17.00 UTC
Format: 4x5 laps, no pit, no reset
The 6 best S2 racers of event 1 will get to race against the 6 fastest demoracers at event 2. These will be found via sign-up and Airio PB on the TDRT demoserver. Let´s see who is the fastest..

In case there will be too many sign-up´s for this race, we´ll make it Airio PB dependent, which runs on the event S2 server already.
Ruleset to be uploaded in this thread. Feel free to ask questions if any.
Server are already 24/7 online, layout loaded on the S2 one and we hope you will already join it for some fun races. Good luck all.
Video added: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV1ium_5uxo
Sign-up for this event by posting in this thread:
Racer Name:
S2/Demo licence name:
Signed up drivers so far:
Event 1, 5th July
1. ERT|Y.Laprevotte
2. SRLT E.Kasperiunas
3. [TDRT] D. Adeline
4. LAST | Fede
5. [TDRT] R.Kolz
6. [TDRT] L.White
7. [TDRT] D.Farmer
8. DevilDare
9. SRLT M.Dauksas
10.[TDRT] S.Fischer
11.[TDRT] R.Schlieker
12. [TDRT ]A.Kongshavn
13. [TDRT] M.Svensson
Event 2, 12th July: Demo against S2 racer
6.A.Kongshavn ( all TDRT )
7. MR> Gangster (D)
8. Marco Armenio (D)