facebook album-upload-fail
(8 posts, started )
#1 - oli17
facebook album-upload-fail
tried to upload an album of photos taken to day and this happened:

followed by this:

this happened the last couple of times i tried the exact same thing. also happened before i resized all the photos to small file sizes.

so can anyone help me please?

Attached images
upload fail1.JPG
upload fail2.JPG
i had this problem before when trying top upload quite a few photos
#3 - Jakg
Try using the "simple" non Java uploader.
I often get ajax errors on the facebook site, and worse is when making a video - as I send a lot of video messages. And i'm finding that around 50% of the videos I try to send fail after making them and it's got tot he point I now send links or videos in email (which I had previously moved away from in favour of facebook on account of how email is just a chore of sorting through spam and notification emails).

I think at the moment things just are not stable on their site, and when you come back later things work.
The problem is indicated in red
lol here's the problem...


Yup probably right.
#7 - Fuse5
Quote from Pablo Donoso :lol here's the problem...

ahahahah, hahahahaa. Thats some epic humor you got going on there.

Quote from Fuse5 :ahahahah, hahahahaa. Thats some epic humor you got going on there.

Didn't you know that he's the humour king? Just look at his other posts.

facebook album-upload-fail
(8 posts, started )