The online racing simulator
Stabilizing a car at high speed
(17 posts, started )
Stabilizing a car at high speed
Hi guys,

First ever post here, Bought S2 Lisense a little under a week ago and loving it.
I've got the DFP hooked up and configured and all is well.

My question is more for those in the know regarding car setups.
I'm currently doing hot laps around AS National in a FZ50 and having quite a lot of difficulty keeping the car stable through the high speed sweeping corners prior to the 2 main hairpins on the track. The car feels very nervous in these parts and i usually end up going sideways losing heaps of time. I'm quite confident that the car can be setup in a way to allow me to go full throttle through these parts of the track (provided i take the correct line) without going sideways. Any suggestions as to where to start looking as far as car setup is concerned to increase high speed stability while cornering in this car?

Your advice is much appreciated.
2 suggestions

1 download setups from the collection here

2 ask anyone you see suing same car whos doing well what their setup is, chances are they'll send it to you.

even if you dont like other peoples setups you can use them as guidence
#3 - Goop
You can try softening the rear ARB but... that will only help to a point. It really comes down to being smooth I find...

Not fast yet but working on it...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
do you have your dfp set up correctly? wingman profiler etc? see the link in my sig below
Please... the LX6 is a dream to drive, even with the old physics. There was an NAL race at KY National with LRF at one point last year and I had an amazing setup for that config. When going around that high speed left hander "hairpin" in the infield section I would sometimes give it just a tad too much throttle and it would step out just a little bit. Letting off a tiny bit brought it right back. I may even have the replay of that.

Old hotlap and setup below. Version Q works. Anything after will not.
Attached files
Forbin_KY2_LX6_15477.spr - 176.8 KB - 149 views
LX6_KY2 race5.set - 132 B - 911 views
#7 - richy
im not exactly expert .... but...

try to think about the weight of the car shifting when you enter the corner, try not to throw the weight to one side as theres more chance of it going sideways, same with losing speed, try not to back off the accelerator too quickly as the front wheels slow down so fast the car will go unstable, try to match the speed first then hold the same revs through the corner.

now, hopefully you wont hit me when i spin out.
your castor is probably out, long/high speed bends are usually solveable with castor setting or live roll bar adjustment.
FZ50 is a car with the engine riiiigggghhhhtttt out behind the rear axle, which means the rear is always gunna want to try and beat the front to the scene of an accident.

When your driving it try and feel which end is slipping out first, if it is the rear (Probable) then retreat the antiroll back a bit to make them softer (Does the FZ50 have anti roll?) and soften the rear, this will mean the car trys to push the rear tyres into the tarmac more whilst under load, should help allieviate some of the stepping out. Decrease the rear bump and the front rebound damper settings, this will increase rear grip again, but go too far and the car will be unsettled again.

Just try playing with a few settings and see what responses you get. Feel free to ask more questions. But as a mouser my setup will be different from a wheeler anyway.
#10 - Vain
I did a lot of laps on Aston National/FZ5 and there isn't really any setup-magic you can do to keep the rear from being heavy. The speed and agility of the FZ5 is mostly down to the driver.

Remember, at the highspeed section after T1 you're driving over a crest while turning and apply full throttle. You wouldn't even think about doing that in real life. So be careful.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :Which is why everybody drove it with the old physics. illepall

Try my setup posted above and take it for a spin around KY2 with patch Q.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
dont forget you can also take a leaf out of porsches book

if the backs too loose when slowing wind up the coast lock setting on the diff, which is what the stability prog does on the 911 if it detects a slide when turning itno a bend (along with fiddle braking but we cant do that), if its too loose under power increase the power lock setting. its all about getting balance between keeping the back stable and actually persuading the front to turn. when they introduced stability prog on 911 i read that they actually drove into a corner at 10mph above the max speed possible and the program actually kept the car on the road until it had slowed enough, wasnt pretty to watch but apparently it worked.

also because the engines out there with the numberplate its like waving a golf club around, the head doesnt start moving easily but doesnt stop moving easily either so be smooth. you get same effect with an engine thats right up in front of front wheels, the difference there is it just makes the car unwilling to change direction. it also means that the car is more sensitive to movement on suspension so if you go very soft on suspension or antiroll you can get some nasty roll induced movements
#13 - Goop
Since S2, I've really enjoyed the LX6. In S1 I was terrible in it, the only way I could drive it was to have a set with a heap of understeer.

S2, as long as the set is fairly neutral, I find it to be great fun - just gotta keep the bugger balanced and be smooth... oh, and to be always ready with a wristful of oppy lock
@tinvek: That's exactly how I had the LX6 set up for the race I described and in the setup I posted. 20% power, 80% coast.
Thanks all for your input. I'm going to fiddle around with the settings you guys/gals have suggested tonight and see how I go. I'll let yous know the results if interested.


#16 - Goop
Interested Pop by here sometime too.
I haven't been on LFS for long but I've already found that there are a few of those motors who will go out of control if I even THINK about steering. They just seem to dare me to twitch the wheel and they're gone.
Try a wheelbarrow - they may be slower but you can pick up the pieces which fall off your car easier.....

Stabilizing a car at high speed
(17 posts, started )