I've owned the Black MOMO (force?, racing?) set of wheels for a little over two years now, about the same time I bought LFS S1. Just recently I became rejuvenated with racing thanks to a small budget pc upgrade from 512 to 1024 megs of RAM and a 9600xt from a GF4 MX440.
The Problem is one of the less common MOMO Pedal Problems. When I am FULL THROTTLE the BRAKES will come on, probably about 10-15%. This has become so frequent that I was forced to race solely on the oval, with the brake axis turned off. This made me unpopular, and I since stopped racing altogether, it was getting ridiculous. I read on RSC forums that someone else had this problem. It is caused by the conection between the gas and the brake pedals becoming loose. He was able to fix it by epoxy'ing it down. It apparently sounded dangerous as epoxy near the moving pedal parts = bad things. My pedals also have begun to spike some. (the time off of racing was actually a good thing as I did much better in finals this semester
I am considering full/partial replacement for my set and am seeking advice. I was planning on getting dfp and going with a frex kit late this year, but it seems this might force my hand some. I really would rather not break into the pedals, they're pretty well used and momo pedals are notorious for being worthless. The wheel works great and I love it. At the very least I want to keep the momo set as something friends could race me on. My plans are now this:
1) Get a DFP. Apparently the pedals are a bit better, and the 900 degrees and FFB are nice on it.
2) Get a seperate replacement set of pedals. I have seen at least one site that sells pedals seperately, and I think a three pedal set-up would be quite nice.
3) Fix my current set of pedals. I really don't want to do this.
1) Pedals are pedals, will DFP pedals last any longer?
2) Are there good fairly priced pedals out there? Where? Someone should make a list of wheel/pedal combo, wheel only, pedal only manufacutrers links and sticky it.
3) Do replacement pedals use seperate usb or plug into the wheel like the momo force wheel?
4) Are there any makers of replacement pedals for the momo black? I've seen the link but I don't know if they were US.
Any thoughts/ recomendations are appreciated. Please list if you've replaced your pedals and list your experiences. Should I go ahead and DFP now? I'd like two working sets of wheels if possible.
The Problem is one of the less common MOMO Pedal Problems. When I am FULL THROTTLE the BRAKES will come on, probably about 10-15%. This has become so frequent that I was forced to race solely on the oval, with the brake axis turned off. This made me unpopular, and I since stopped racing altogether, it was getting ridiculous. I read on RSC forums that someone else had this problem. It is caused by the conection between the gas and the brake pedals becoming loose. He was able to fix it by epoxy'ing it down. It apparently sounded dangerous as epoxy near the moving pedal parts = bad things. My pedals also have begun to spike some. (the time off of racing was actually a good thing as I did much better in finals this semester

I am considering full/partial replacement for my set and am seeking advice. I was planning on getting dfp and going with a frex kit late this year, but it seems this might force my hand some. I really would rather not break into the pedals, they're pretty well used and momo pedals are notorious for being worthless. The wheel works great and I love it. At the very least I want to keep the momo set as something friends could race me on. My plans are now this:
1) Get a DFP. Apparently the pedals are a bit better, and the 900 degrees and FFB are nice on it.
2) Get a seperate replacement set of pedals. I have seen at least one site that sells pedals seperately, and I think a three pedal set-up would be quite nice.
3) Fix my current set of pedals. I really don't want to do this.
1) Pedals are pedals, will DFP pedals last any longer?
2) Are there good fairly priced pedals out there? Where? Someone should make a list of wheel/pedal combo, wheel only, pedal only manufacutrers links and sticky it.
3) Do replacement pedals use seperate usb or plug into the wheel like the momo force wheel?
4) Are there any makers of replacement pedals for the momo black? I've seen the link but I don't know if they were US.
Any thoughts/ recomendations are appreciated. Please list if you've replaced your pedals and list your experiences. Should I go ahead and DFP now? I'd like two working sets of wheels if possible.