The online racing simulator
yes, basic coding has finished and a testing period is running. i found some small bugs and fixed it out. i will code a function to save all entered client and server settings in a ini file and load it on startup. First i thought to store all data in the registry but it´s a bit annoying if you lose your os After that, the first final version is ready for public use

Thats a good question Tanuva. There are enough cool things to do....I hope the people who will use my software give me some ideas and feedbacks. Its hard to say whats needed or not without statements from users.

Has anybody informations about a possible LFS dedicated server for Linux/Unix ??
The server could only run on linux if you get it to work in wine or cedega. Or we could try to get the devs port it to linux, that would simplify running it. But that will take some time...
Its totally possible to run the LFS dedi under wine, infact a lot of people do. Bear in mind that a lot run without an X server (i.e. no GUI), so it would need to be a daemon (service) if you're thinking about porting across.
I dont know how the server works internally, but the main problem to solve would be getting the server to print all messages in the console instead of using an x-server, or am i totally wrong? ^^
And the second one to get it to run without directx, which makes it necessary to recode the whole thing... I see, using wine is much easier...
Quote from Tanuva :I dont know how the server works internally, but the main problem to solve would be getting the server to print all messages in the console instead of using an x-server, or am i totally wrong? ^^
And the second one to get it to run without directx, which makes it necessary to recode the whole thing... I see, using wine is much easier...

Errr, are you talking about the LFS dedicated server, or the remote program? As far as I can see, theres no reason to even get it to output to STDOUT. Perhaps logging to a file, but never to the console.

For reference, you CAN run the LFS dedi on linux, with the following command,
nohup wine LFS.exe /cfg=setup.cfg > /dev/null & echo $! >

This makes it run on the background, any possible output is routed to /dev/null (afaik LFS doesnt echo anything to STDOUT anyway, but this is kind of a "just incase" thing), and the PID of the process is written to
Quote from the_angry_angel :For reference, you CAN run the LFS dedi on linux, with the following command,
nohup wine LFS.exe /cfg=setup.cfg > /dev/null & echo $! >

This makes it run on the background, any possible output is routed to /dev/null (afaik LFS doesnt echo anything to STDOUT anyway, but this is kind of a "just incase" thing), and the PID of the process is written to

And IMO don't forget

in the setup.cfg.

True, wine does tend to barf if you don't include it - must've slipped my mind to mention it... :o
(JogDive) DELETED by JogDive
(JogDive) DELETED by JogDive
has anybody information about new trackstrings or the "BMW F1" car string ??
I will upload a fixed Dedilink version for the new patch today or tomorrow
#60 - SamH

We've roughly 15 LFS servers running on a dedicated server. Will this app help me admin them all, or would switching between each one be complicated?
Hi Sam !
yes that would be complicated because you have to switch between servers with the DidiLink server app. I think CrazyIce is developing that what you are searching for

But you can start DediLink Server for each Server. The process start options with DediLink Server starts a new LFS dedicated server for itself (checked by process id) After each successfull connect with the DediLink client, the server ips will be saved the ip combo box (but not the ports,try to use 10001-10015). Thats a possible solution now but don´t forget unique ports for servers and insim access.

Edit: I think thats a needed feature to control more than one server and have simultanous insim access.Give me some time...
I need detailed information about the new Aston tracks. Could anybody help me ?

Fixed but not released yet (Client):
- Sauber BMW support
- The server adress box stores the port number and will be set on select
- Added Aston Grand Touring and Aston North
I only have this, figured out by myself: (without guarantee)

array('650', '651', '660', '661')
array('AS6', 'AS6R', 'AS7', 'AS7R')
array('Aston Grand Touring', 'Aston Grand Touring reversed', 'Aston North', 'Aston North reversed')

That is all what i need , thx !
[Updated 22.04.2006]
Version 1.2 is online !
Sauber BMW support.
Added Aston Grand Touring and Aston North Track.
Fixed the InSim text filter function.
Ports will be entered and stored with the server address.

Edit: Found a bug and fixed it in version 1.2. please download version 1.2 again if you installed it!
I need some beta testers for version 1.2.1
Is there a possiblity to port the dedilink server to linux ?
So can the gui easily seperated from the core functions ?
Are there any other libs beside ssl, that are used ?

Maybe it can go opensource, with different makefiles for different os.

It works with wine a mate told me some time ago
Here comes a new user interface for server permissions: (1.2.1 is ready but still in testing phase,not released yet!)
Attached images
New in Version 1.2.1 Final

- All settings (Client/Server) are correctly saved and loaded on startup.
- Command /carshost added to client.
- The permissions for both groups (Admin,User) can be set and removed by a fomular. It´s not longer necessary to restart the process to apply permissions and to find out what the commands mean

- An optionsmenu. The player ban time can be set.
- Insim text filter function improved and fixed.

- The running LFS server settings will be snychronized to the client server-config dialogs.
(Please run a complete server configuration with DediLink client first).
New in Version 1.3 (not released yet !)
- Client: Fixed the Live! View player commands send behaviour.
- Client: Added a config profiler.
- Server: Complete reworked broadcast editor (see pics). Now you can edit old entries, add new items and delete them. I think it is 100% more comfortable than the older version
- Server: Some small improvements to speed up the udp socket.
- Server/Client: improvements to speed up status answers on status reply.
- Server: Set the latest LFS server settings on Insim login.
- Server: Added an option menu: Set the latest server settings on Insim login "Enable/Disable".
- Server: Synchronizing some DediLink options to give some help to get it easy started.
- Server: SSL certificate file extension changed to ".cert".
Added an opendialog box to load your own SSL certificate files.
- Fixed some small bugs.
Attached images
Version 1.3 is released ! (hotfixed)
Version 1.3 (Final) 01.05.2006
DediLink V1.3 Final is available !

Edit: found a bug and fixed it ! please patch V1.3 All should working proper now. Enjoy !
Attached images
Client 3.jpg
New Feature 03.05.2006
- Client/Server: Added the Button "Upload selected profile" to configure your LFS dedicated server within 2 mouse clicks.