The online racing simulator
Onboard videos
(127 posts, started )
Well, I made an new MRT skin today (my first) and thought of making a video

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(ElvisArg) DELETED by ElvisArg : wrong place
Quote from Sponge :Well, I made an new MRT skin today (my first) and thought of making a video

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Only thing's I dislike is watching the keyboard controls and the quality, seem's like you've used a video camera to record...

I know you can't help the Kb controls but it just looks so out of place, especcially in the MRT.
Quote from Bawbag :Only thing's I dislike is watching the keyboard controls and the quality, seem's like you've used a video camera to record...

I know you can't help the Kb controls but it just looks so out of place, especcially in the MRT.

Kb controls suck (atleast when you record a vid) i know.. and yes, i had to use a video camera.. can't get any screen recorders to work on the iMac
(i play LFS on an iMac via CrossOver)
Bah, you shoulda used a mouse then . for some reason i think it sounds better recorded with a camera...
I just made this video, it's my hotlap of AS3 with the FZR using a mouse back then. The noise in the background is not your speakers messing up, i left the mic in and fraps recorded it lol.
SO6R and WE1...
That's nice. Good quality, nice driving.

Inspired by BigTime, I uploaded a video from one of my wr laps:

Shame YouTube cuts out all the low frequencies. I worked pretty hard on the sound. And the distortion.. Sound so hollow now. :P
Quote from Darkone55 :Inspired by BigTime, I uploaded a video from one of my wr laps:

Shame YouTube cuts out all the low frequencies. I worked pretty hard on the sound. And the distortion.. Sound so hollow now. :P

Awesome Darkone, glad I inspired you!

As for YouTube, I think that's the same thing that happened to the XRT Stock Car Cup video because I had a few complaints there too... It seems to sound a little better in hi-res, but, YouTube should really upgrade their sound codec.

BTW, nice lap!
First video in this thread of vain against hyperactive race in AS historic
was so awsome. Too bad hyper gone a bit wide on the f******g last corner! One of the best races ive seen and i so want those fast cars
Nice drift.

I decided to have a bit of fun with LFS Tweak, giving the BF1 a 3.0 litre V10 engine developing 899 hp vs the standard 720 hp of the standard car, bringing it back to the pre 2005 era. To spice things up even more, I decided to do some hotlapping with TC and engine braking reduction disabled, with a goal to break the existing BF1 WR.

The following lap is not perfect, I lost a few tenths in the 2nd to last hairpin, but it's not bad. The lack of TC affects the car a suprising amount, the rears sometimes breaking traction even in high speed corners. The lack of engine braking reduction means the driver must apply some throttle under braking, but even then the rears can lock up.

I've attached the LFS Tweak preset, along with a .eng sound file, a setup, and the .spr replay of the lap if anyone is interested.
Attached files
Tweak Sound Setup and - 194.3 KB - 172 views

Onboard videos
(127 posts, started )