This is the most ridiculous petition I have ever seen. Shall we let them eat cake?
People are dying of hunger and you want to spare a particular type of cute fluffy animal?
We in the West are so removed from our food processing that we seem to have forgotten what it is that we are eating.
Throughout Asia cats and dogs are menu items. I'm a cat owner myself, it would take immense hunger for me to eat a cat and i'd rather die than eat my own - but I wont for one moment stand between a cat or dog and somebody who wants to eat a farmed animal.
As for torture, it's most exagerrated, there are people who torture animals over here too and people who mistreat their pets, there are people who mistreat their own children, but they dont eat them. It's no different in Korea, every country has ****s and lots of ****s care less for animals than they do for a particular animal we commonly call "Human". Humans however, are still animals, and like dogs and cats, we're omnivores. Farmed animals however yeild more meat when they are not tortured. It damages the meat and makes it less saleable.