The online racing simulator
Digital Speedo
(158 posts, started )
keeps saying insim - udp : no slots available. tried searching the forums for other insim apps, and couldn't find an answer. I just do an /insim=29999 and that's the message i get. I open DS b4 i open lfs. thanks
Hi,can u add fuel consumption to speedo?
U can use F12 for this info...
Why u need info about fuel per lap in every lap?
Quote from nesrulz :U can use F12 for this info...
Why u need info about fuel per lap in every lap?

eto zato što mi treba
OK, pitam samo.

Meni F12 radi posao odlično.

btw, sry for Serbian.
Quote from nesrulz :OK, pitam samo.

Meni F12 radi posao odlično.

btw, sry for Serbian.

Znam koristim i ja F12,al nekako mi zaklanja pogled,i u trkama kao što smo imali u subotu 170 krugova KY1 moram imati uvid u sve :rally_dri
Ma nema potrebe da se toliko opterećuješ oko toga.

Pred trku, dok treniraš, proveriš kolika ti je maksimalna potrošnja, i po tome sipaš gorivo, praviš taktiku za zvaničnu trku...

Ja F12 u trci koristim samo za podešavanje taktike u toku trke - pit stop, a uvek držim upaljeno F9, da pratim stanje guma...
Quote from marek100 :Hi all ,Special "gru-siem stary" ok im back to lfs after long time and lol still no much new ,yeah the test patch Z10 ,anyway i going to help you guys to use this program with Vista x64 ,ill keep posting progress about ,
Thank you ,

Any progress about the Vista/Windows 7 support? PLSPLSPLS!!!
Ok i offer an S2 licence for anybody who make this programme run on Windows 7!
#110 - Aid
Hi AID! I know but the LFS RELAX digi speedo does not work on cars that already have digi speedo by default! The default is not good for me

I am a cheater with wheel view 240 wheel rotation and a CUSTOM huge digi speedo meter nearly in the middle of my screen!

I asked MR. Gai-Luron to unlock it on all cars but i did not receive any answer!

I still have the Win Xp/Lfs/My hardware compatibility network lag problem and i dont think there is any solution for it. So i have to use a different op system if i want to use my custom speedo. I didnt try Vista x32 yet. Anybody using this programme under Vista x32???

"Hi all ,Special "gru-siem stary" ok im back to lfs after long time and lol still no much new ,yeah the test patch Z10 ,anyway i going to help you guys to use this program with Vista x64 ,ill keep posting progress about ,
Thank you ,

I tried to contact Marek about the solution but it looks like he is too busy to help.
#112 - Aid
i see anyway u tired to run this prog in compatibility mode and run it as admin?
Quote from Aid :i see anyway u tired to run this prog in compatibility mode and run it as admin?

Doesnt work. Still invalid dll message.

Edit: Problem solved! Its working under Vista x32!
#114 - gru
Quote from Ponty46 :Doesnt work. Still invalid dll message.

i found info in some thread (LfsRelax i think), that recompiling under x64 system solves problem
dll's source code is available (dg_d3d8 project), VC++ Express is also free to download...

im not planning pc upgrade soon, so dont count on me here, sorry :/
How about suport of shift light in new Z25 Patch? Can u fix it?

And Digital Sppedo will work also under windows 7? Becouse i want uprage win soon.
compatibility mode?
this modified version runs on windows 7 x32.
no luck with making a version for x64 until now.
Attached files - 50.6 KB - 598 views
Quote from Desmondo :this modified version runs on windows 7 x32.
no luck with making a version for x64 until now.


GO GO GO x64 version! :static:
btw, work on W7 x64, but with this error...

We need new d3d8.dll file?
Quote from desmondo :this modified version runs on windows 7 x32.
No luck with making a version for x64 until now.

thx desomondo! Great work! Works fine for me!
Quote from nesrulz :btw, work on W7 x64, but with this error...

We need new d3d8.dll file?

well technically, it does not work on windows 7 x64.
i have x64 installed as well, and could not make it to load correctly.
its probably some kind of x64-x32 dll incompatibility by windows itself.
gru suggested recompiling the d3d8.dll to x64 might help.
well i could not recompile that with visual studio express. i will might try with the pro version later which currently i dont have.
as gru said :
"if it won't help, the only way will be changing communication to udp"

which is a process clearly surpassing my tiny developer knowledge in this :|
Is there another way to get a digital speedo in Win 7 64 Bit?
#124 - gru

x64 problem is solved, download link in first post is updated (

Solution, info for programmers using my source code:
At first DigitalSpeedo.exe was compiled with "Any CPU" option, so on x86 it was 32bit, and on x64 it was 64bit. d3d8.dll is always 32bit, so 64bit process can't load it, that's all (and it took me over a year to realize that :doh
So to make them work, U have to recompile DigitalSpeedo.exe for x86 platform (VS Express 2008 help link: ... 1-4ead-96a1-78bbd9ba6d3a/)

Digital Speedo
(158 posts, started )