The online racing simulator
Lag on online
(10 posts, started )
Lag on online

I have some lag when I play online: S and it is only when I play online.

It has not always been there. It is first come here in recent times.

I have today tried to delete div. programs on the computer that I did not use, and a lot of pictures. it helped a little.

I have downloaded over time different things to the game. So div. DDS files and such. So I thought it might help if I deleted the whole game and install it again `? So only the original files located?
you think it helps?

Has the way the game had deleted a few times and has used my code a few times, but it is something that we have a new every Friday?


sry for bad english.
Lag, do you mean game lag, as in low FPS, or connection lag, if its connection lag, then reset your router, if its game lag, try a fresh install, it cant hurt.
free space on your harddrive could help, a swap file with a permanent set size and maybe try a defragging. If none of those help a little, explore some more advanced tips
I wanted to delete the game. So i go to: control panel, add or remove programs.

But it is not there??? What to do?
I don't think there is an actual un-installer for LFS, the easiest way is to just delete the entire LFS folder.
I have also a lag in online when more than 20 people in same server, actually, I use wireless, but it SHOULD work, then....connection failed and lost server connection
it can be on server ping (when is it up than 60ms lag is possible =s)
i got an 512/1024 (no. it's doesnt upload 1mb it downloads 1mb )
only sometimes i lag out of server

Try Shift+F8 and look some peoples is these got an lag. like.. "nickname (0.10)" (example is 0.10) so there you see peoples who lag, and you will see is it you internet lag =s
Quote from Mikko1 :it can be on server ping (when is it up than 60ms lag is possible =s)
i got an 512/1024 (no. it's doesnt upload 1mb it downloads 1mb )
only sometimes i lag out of server

Try Shift+F8 and look some peoples is these got an lag. like.. "nickname (0.10)" (example is 0.10) so there you see peoples who lag, and you will see is it you internet lag =s

yea I know, but I do think it is the solution, best solution would be that I get a wire
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I have also a lag in online when more than 20 people in same server, actually, I use wireless, but it SHOULD work, then....connection failed and lost server connection

This is exactly what i get.. i have to try 2 times to enter a server... I haven't tried resetting the router yet, will try that in the mornin!
me too, anything over about 10 or so is pushing it for me, loads of FPS drops and stuttery sound, making me dangerous as i can see my car going off in the slideshow that is my screen but can't control anything!

Lag on online
(10 posts, started )