(Render by: 3id Z.Iqbal a.k.a. r4ptor)
Hello everyone!
I am here to announce that 4 Stroke Racing Team celebrates it's first year in LFS.
During this year, a lot of things have happened, and a lot of things have changed. We've also made a lot of mistakes from which we've learned and sacrificed...
We've been trying to do the best in competing in different leagues during this year such as: Baltic Cup 2009, Head to Head: Winter Seriess '09, LFSProseries and some other events like Tuesdays races.
Lately we've been very inactive due to the summer vacation and lack of time + 2 of our best racers in a team left the team due to lack of time to play LFS.
Our team has also got a new website: http://4srt.weebly.com/
It is nothing special, but simple and enough for our team. We don't have our domain yet, since I don't have money to buy it, but we will get it some time later.
We are also looking for new members, and now not only from Latvia anymore, but also from Europe. So now we are a European racing team. For now it's only from Europe, so we could compete in Leagues and events as a team, since the time zones wouldn't differ too much. If anyone is willing to join our team then read: Here
I also have to admit that we made a big mistake for changing team to Latvian, and everyone was saying that it would be a mistake, but I didn't listen. It was easier to start like that, but now there is another problem like, not enough racers etc. So I apologize to everyone who had to sacrifice for that!
We are also looking for someone who could make some nice skins for our team, since I am not good in making them, and I don't have so much time and skins are usually not finished.
And we would like to thank to our former and team members for bringing our team this high and we hope that it lasts for a lot longer time.
More info about our team:
LFSForum - http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=45938
Website - http://4srt.weebly.com/