The online racing simulator
Cruise Cars
(39 posts, started )
Cruise Cars
How possible is it to have two new cars for Cruise Servers only.

1) Police Cruiser, Fast"ish" with good"ish" handling and with some bars on the front to prevent damage to the front of the car. Flashing lights would be a benefit

2) Tow Truck. Bags of Torque, limited rev range, top speed of 50 or so, LOADS of grip in sand traps to push cars that are stuck.
If at all possible a grapple function for stationary cars would be ace allowing you to pull cars out of traps.

Maybe something for S3, but it would certainly make me purchase it.
#2 - G!NhO
Quote from Skeete :How possible is it to have two new cars for Cruise Servers only.

1) Police Cruiser, Fast"ish" with good"ish" handling and with some bars on the front to prevent damage to the front of the car. Flashing lights would be a benefit

2) Tow Truck. Bags of Torque, limited rev range, top speed of 50 or so, LOADS of grip in sand traps to push cars that are stuck.
If at all possible a grapple function for stationary cars would be ace allowing you to pull cars out of traps.

Maybe something for S3, but it would certainly make me purchase it.

No, devs won't make cruise specific stuff, just do it with the cars you have now.

FXO makes a great cop car, its fastish and handles goodish.
It's silly to ask for a cop car in a "online racing simulator"...

nah we will never get cruise only stuff but a few addons, push bars, lights etc would be good.

also why would the tow truck be cruise only, could be used for racing as well.
#4 - G!NhO
Quote from westfield bend :nah we will never get cruise only stuff but a few addons, push bars, lights etc would be good.

also why would the tow truck be cruise only, could be used for racing as well.


Push bars? lol
#6 - Riel
I think it is not a good idea indeed.
*fail at attempt to improve*
Technically, it is an improvement suggestion. Realistically, it is not.

Please, if you want to play cops and cruisers, just use what`s there already. If I get too drunk and want to play Knight Rider, I`m not gonna ask for flashing leds on the bonnet and a jumping Turbo Boost button :P
Quote from unseen :Technically, it is an improvement suggestion. Realistically, it is not.

Please, if you want to play cops and cruisers, just use what`s there already. If I get too drunk and want to play Knight Rider, I`m not gonna ask for flashing leds on the bonnet and a jumping Turbo Boost button :P

dude, that would be so cool..
Yeah, I know, but I`m not gonna ask for it
Quote from unseen :Yeah, I know, but I`m not gonna ask for it

too bad
no seriously, that would be cool
on the xrt
maybe it's an idea for r-factor
Meh, seriously though. No offense meant at all, Skeete, but stuff like that just doesn`t belong in a racing sim. If I wanted to play fireman, having to get from point A to building B in south city in a certain time limit, asking to put a fire truck in the game just isn`t going to work. Ever.

I can *maybe* see a time near the end of S3 where there may be a safety car style vehicle released with flashing lights, which someone would then mod to make it a police car, but other than that, Specific police cars, double roof scoops, neonz, rear mounted subs, 2-way traffic and free roaming streets are pretty much never going to happen.
No. No. No, again.

Having track vehicles to recover stranded cars would be realistic. All tracks will have some kind of recovery vehicles (tractors, buggies, trucks, flatbeds etc) to retrieve cars stranded in gravel traps or otherwise immobile. Whether it's worthwhile simulating these vehicles (and allowing users to control their operation to clear the track) is debatable, but if it was to be done it's got to be a long way down the road. If those vehicles were created there's no reason they couldn't be used by cruisers. Creating cars specifically for cruisers (police cars with bull bars etc) is something I don't think would add much to LFS.
I wouldn't mind racing the tow-trucks
I also think vehicles like tow trucks/tractors to get the cars out of the sand and what not would be great for LFS, but other things should be concentrated on first.

As for the police cruiser, while i do cruise on CLC quite alot, i dont think this would be good for LFS. I can only imagine loads of stupid servers popping up with people actually racing the police cars.
Just learn how to model and make your own vehicle for LFS. lolwut
lol yeh try it
If there will be a tow car in LFS, it will have to be a AI controlled one and during a race shift+p is locked so you cannot spectate/pit.

Isn't that a good idea? When reset and shift+s/p are turned off, there will come a tow car to you to recover you, but only in longer races like league races.

I might have too much fantasy.
Quote from unseen :Technically, it is an improvement suggestion. Realistically, it is not.

Please, if you want to play cops and cruisers, just use what`s there already. If I get too drunk and want to play Knight Rider, I`m not gonna ask for flashing leds on the bonnet and a jumping Turbo Boost button :P

here ya go,
KITT Skin & Super Pursuit Mode Button is "B" key
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HORN3 - 1.9 MB - 262 views
Quote from JasonJ :here ya go,
KITT Skin & Super Pursuit Mode Button is "B" key

i'm using it right now.
now, my car has about ~2000horsepowers more!
there are so many other cars (not mentioning other general stuff) that would make LFS much more good than a tow truck and a police car..

this is a racing sim

I hope the devs will never spend any time on doing this, instead of doing anything else, if I'm to be honest...
there is a Tow Truck in LFS... RB4 with the final drive maxxed at 7.500 and the front and rear axles...Locked Diff...just have to tune the Front Torque splitter for all 4 tires to dig in...i have a setup that i can crawl up the grass bank past turn one on Fern Bay Black
Irrealistically, LFS could have as many roads to race as Test Drive Unlimited, as many cars as Gran Turismo, as good physics as LFS, but realistically that's not going to happen.

Besides i think the cars we have now already serve that cruising purpose.

Fast-ish cars: FZR; XRR; FXR

Tow truck: RB4. I made a setup that turns the RB4 into a beast of grip and power, so you can do it too. 1st and 2nd as power guears. 2nd guear up to 30km/h (less than that is not practical). 3rd middle one. Then 4th and 5th speed guears, a bit far apart from each other, reaching 155km/h max speed, so you don't take too long to go tow people. Rally tyres, and some tweaked suspension values.
fxo is nice for cruising

Cruise Cars
(39 posts, started )